5- of course he does

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Author's Note: I just watched Jaws and I have that stupid dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN music stuck in my head XD and tbh that music could work with this chapter

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Author's Note: I just watched Jaws and I have that stupid dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUNDUNDUN music stuck in my head XD and tbh that music could work with this chapter.

Six in the morning per usual, I wake to the sound of Jenna walking inside and cooking herself some food. Though this time, my morning isn't that peaceful.

"Um, Sam?" Jenna said cautiously. "Dallas is... gone."

"What?" I panic, and look at the couch where he was supposed to be sleeping. The blanket is crumpled to the side and the pillow is on the floor next to the couch. His bag of clothes are still here, so at least I know he's not gone for good. "Great. Now I have to go find the bastard." I mumble angrily, and go back to my room to get dressed and stuff. 

Once I'm ready, I walk quickly to the door, but Jenna stops me, "Sam, here eat a sandwich first," and she throws me a bolongia and cheese sandwich.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do without you," I said, and we both burst out laughing. 

"I'll bet you that Dallas is at Buck's place," Jenna suggests, shoving a bite of a sandwich into her mouth.

I tug on my shoes, gritting my teeth as I do so because these shoes are way too tight, but I don't have time to get a different pair. "Yeah yeah I know, he probably is. Ugh, I have a babysitting job in about two hours, I might have to cancel if Dallas decides to act stupid."

With a mouthful of her sandwich, Jenna says, "Alright well hurry up, I'll see you later."

I wave goodbye and run to my car, the cold morning air nipping at my face as I hop into the car. I drive along while eating my sandwich, and once I finish, I throw my napkin onto the seat next to me. When I look back onto the road, a car is on the wrong side of the road, and speeding right towards me.

I slam on my breaks and swerve to the left, but it's too late. I shut my eyes as the ear-wrenching sound of shattering glass and metal scratching against other metal fills the car, and I feel shards of glass rain over me. 

When my eyes open, I see a boy's figure laying across the front hood of the car that crashed into me, blood coming out of his mouth. His arms were bent backward and out, and his leg seemed to be too long compared to the other. He must have flown out the front windshield when he hit me.

I try to keep my eyes open, but the need for sleep suddenly takes over my body, and the pounding in my head doesn't help much. I want to see if that boy can move or not, but everything starts fading out and looking dark and fuzzy...


I wake up to the sound of quiet chatter, "Dallas you need to get some sleep she'll be fine." That's probably Jenna's voice.

"She's gonna wake up soon, I'm fine I got a lot of sleep last night."

I look around the dark room I'm in, and realize it's my living room, which means I'm on the couch. I turn over onto my side, to find the voices that are talking, but the room goes silent once I move. "Sam? You awake?" Jenna asks, and I watch her walk towards me.

"Mm?" I hum, too tired and out of it to have an actual conversation yet. I look over at the other small couch across from me and see Dallas slouching there with a blanket in his lap. He does look really tired.

"How are you feeling?" Jenna said softly, tilting her head.

Once I get over a bit of a dizzy feeling, I sit up and my stomach suddenly feels very empty. I wonder when's the last time I ate, then I remember the bolongia and cheese sandwich, and then the headlights pointing right at me, and then the unconscious boy laying limp on the hood of his car. "I- Oh my God," I groan, thinking about that poor kid. "Is he okay?"

"Who?" Jenna furrows her eyebrows.

"That boy- he flew out of the front windshield," I mumble, feeling the corners on my mouth twitch and tears escaping the corner of my eyes. When I wipe the tears and look back up, I notice Jenna and Dallas looking at each other with a sad expression on their faces. They don't even have to say anything. I know. "He's... dead?"

"Yeah," Dallas speaks up, clearing his throat.

"Do you know who it was? He looked like our age- or younger."

"It was um, a Soc from Ponyboy's school, his name was Bob," Dallas stutters, "He was drunk as hell, as far as I know."

I can't believe it. Someone died because of me. Maybe if I had just waited to eat that sandwich, maybe I would've seen him and swerved around him, he'd be alive right now. I start crying silently, sniffling every few seconds. I feel someone sit beside me and put their arm around me. "Hey, it's not your fault, Sam. It's okay. Things like this happen, it's not your fault at all," Jenna said, hugging me tighter. 

Between sniffles, I ask about what happened when I was in the hospital and stuff, Jenna and Dallas told me that I had a minor concussion and just a few cuts and bruises. Other than that, I was fine.

I stop crying and out of nowhere I say, "I'm hungry." Which allotted some laughter from Jenna and Dallas. 

Jenna stands up and walks to the kitchen. "You want some cereal?"

"Sure." I study Dallas for a moment. His face seems tighter than usual; his cheekbones seem sharper, and his mouth in a tight line. Though his eyes seem softer and less distant than usual. They're still narrowed, but instead of looking sad and like he's on a different planet, he looks like he's here. "Dallas, where'd you go? The night I crashed I mean."

He sighs and rests his elbows on his knees and puts his head in his hands. "I just needed some time for myself, I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm sorry Sam... I was at Buck's bar," he mumbles, still with his face in his hands. He looks up at me, as if he's studying my face as well, "And... Since you were there for me, I'll be there for you now." 

The corners of my mouth curl up into a smile, "Don't worry about it, Dal, it's not your fault. Plus, I didn't really get hurt anyway. Thanks, though." I can tell that Dallas is uncomfortable because of that awkward lovey-dovey moment, so I add, "you can start being there for me by not running away in the middle of the night," I laugh.

He laughs lightly, then says, "The gang was talking about coming over here to hangout tomorrow. There's a football game or something," he shrugs, "do you feel up to it?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as it's just Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Steve, Two Bit and Johnny. Not their girlfriends or anything."

"Yeah, I'll let them know."

Jenna hands me my cereal, and I thank them both for taking care of me. It got quiet after a while, Dallas went to see the gang and Jenna went to bed, so I decided to take a nap.

Author's Note: I didn't plan for Sam to crash the car, but I feel like the scene needed a car crash so I did it, and it actually makes the plot move a little smoother so *shrug*.

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