12- hop on the no sleep train

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Author's Note: UGHHHHHHHHHH idek

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Author's Note: UGHHHHHHHHHH idek. I'm tired. This chapter is gonna suck. Sorry lol.

"Sam, we should probably go inside before River wakes up," Dallas sighs, standing up and stretching.

My mind is groggy so it takes me a couple seconds to understand what he just said, then I follow his lead and stand up as well. "I need sleep to function," I whine, rubbing my eyes. Next time, I should invest in ear plugs before sleeping in the same room as Gunther.

Dallas laughs, "Yeah, I know that. Remember that time you almost got us killed 'cause you fell asleep while driving?"

I do remember. We were fifteen, maybe sixteen, and neither of us had our licenses, but we wanted to drive around Tulsa to get to know the town, so we stole someone's car. We had pulled an all-nighter the night before because the cops kicked us out of the abandoned building we were sleeping in, so we had nowhere to go. "I'd do anything to go back to the good old days. I swear it's like I'm already in my grave here, because we're gonna die soon anyway," I grumble, shuffling behind Dallas who's walking back to the building.

"We had some good times. We just had that party a couple months back," he chuckles, "the one where we fucked for the first time. And after that you couldn't resist me so we fucked a bunch more."

"Dal!" I laugh, "Why would you remind me of that and make it awkward?"

He laughs, "Shut up, man. You're gonna wake everyone up."

We walk inside the building through the back door and check each room, confirming that everyone is still asleep. We decide to sit in the front room where Gunther is sleeping and start another fire where the old one died out since it's cold in there.

Once the fire is started, we sit back and watch the fire, being mesmerized by the flames licking the firewood and releasing little sparks above us. I look up at the ceiling, wondering just how bad of a fire hazard this is. My attention moves away from the fire when I feel Dally's hand on my leg. I turn to yell at him, but I stop myself when I notice he doesn't even know he's doing it. He's staring up at the ceiling too, blinking slowly every couple seconds. "What are you doing?" I ask, not particularly asking why his hand is on my leg.

"You know... everyone's asleep... and I know of something that'll wake you up fast," Dallas smirks, sliding his hand higher onto my thigh. How did I not see that coming?

"Hell no!" I half yell/ half whisper, grabbing his hand and shoving it away. "Gunther is literally a few feet away from us!"

"What? You got a thing for Gunther or something?" he asks teasingly.

I shake my head, "You're a dumb ass if you think I'm gonna do it with you on a cement floor, right next to someone who's asleep."

Dallas chuckles, "Alright, fine. But i'm keeping my hand here." He puts his hand back on my leg, a few inches above my knee.

I roll my eyes and just let him, being too tired to argue any longer. The warmth of the fire makes me feel even sleepier and my eyes start to close slowly. I lean my body towards Dallas and rest my head on his shoulder, falling asleep almost instantly.

What feels like moments later, I feel my head hit the hard cement and I wake up, looking around. Dallas was just getting up, and I guess he decided to let me fall over onto the concrete floor, since I was leaning on his shoulder. "What the fuck? That hurt, you asshole," I groan, putting a hand to my head.

"There's a train that's heading up to New York at 9. We got to move now or else we'll miss it," Dallas says, throwing some stuff in a bag and disregarding that I'm mad at him.

"How do you know the time anyway?" I ask, already in a bad mood.

"Jess has a watch in her gear bag, I stole it last night. It's a couple minutes past 8 in the morning," Dal said, holding up the watch.

I tilt my head, "Out of all the gear you could've stolen, you took a watch?" 

"I got some other stuff too." He holds up the bag he was just packing.

"Oh. Are we taking River and everyone else or... what?" I wonder, noticing Dally hasn't woken anyone else up.

Dallas nods. "I was gonna ask you to wake them up."

I sigh, and I was about to ask why me, but I just get up and do it, not wanting to give Dal any more trouble. 

Gunther wakes up when I kick his shoe, jumping up and almost pointing his gun at me. "Chill out dude, I'm just trying to wake you guys up," I said, jokingly raising my hands in the air.

Gunther doesn't answer, he just puts his gun back in his pants, then walks over to see what Dallas is planning. I move to where Jess is sleeping and say, "Jess. Jess wake up," then I kick at her foot lightly. She wakes up mumbling something, then turns over to go back to sleep. "Jess come on. We're leaving."

Finally she gets up and stretches, reaching for her bag. "Are we going back to New York?" She asks with a smile.

I'm not really in the mood for small talk with her, but I have to be nice, "Yeah, go ask Dallas for the details." I leave quickly, going to wake River up.

When I go in the room River is in, she's already awake polishing a gun. "Oh hey. Sorry for intruding, Dallas asked me to wake you up, he found a train that's headed for New York and he wants us to catch it," I inform, admiring the shiny gun in her hand.

-------------------- 9:00 AM

Everyone somehow successfully snuck into the freight train, and we're huddled in the back so no one will catch us. Once the train starts moving, River speaks up, "Thanks for the train, Dallas, you did good." 

Dal nods and looks back out of the doorway, watching the grass fields whiz by in a blur of green. He's probably thinking about how those are going to be similar to the last words he hears from River. Thanks for the help, you did good. Then she'll just kill him. I shiver thinking about how horrible that is.

"Now, everyone remember that as soon as we get off this train we have to get to headquarters as fast as we can, and we're gonna have to fix whatever chaos those guys created while we were gone," River rolls her eyes as she continues, "Jess, you'll be in charge of keeping the idiot-young-kids distracted while we talk about the Demin Jay-Crows with the older members."

Jess nods then asks, "Do we even know what part of New York this train is taking us to?"

Dallas turns to Jess with a nervous look on his face, "We're going to my old neighborhood, where my dad lived."

"Oh... well that's not too far away from headquarters," Jess responds quietly.

There's a long pause, then Dallas says, "Yeah," under his breath.

I sigh, thinking about all the memories that'll come flooding back when we get there. So many bad things have happened there, most of them being the reasons why Dallas tried to kill himself. What if going back to his neighborhood will make him want to die even more? A pinkie promise isn't going to keep him from killing himself. What'll I do then? 

I just lost my whole life in Tulsa, I'll never see Jenna again or any of the kids I babysat, I'll never see Dallas' gang again, and I still could lose Dally at any moment. When will it end? When will the hurt and the pain end?

Author's Note: Guess what my dudes? I'm bored of Sam being the main character, so the story is going to be in Dallas' point of view for a little bit. Surprise!!!! Yes ik, very exciting. 
I honestly don't know if I have what it takes to write about what's going on in Dallas' head but Imma try for the sake of my sanity. Adios :D

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