{chapter 3}

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(I forgot to mention Toph can see she just has REALLY bad eyesight and needs her glasses.)

"Well Friday night.... nope I'm not doing anything. Why?" Katara smiled. "That's perfect! Do you think you could come to my house for the weekend?" Haru laughed. "Well let me ask my dad if I can use the spare car, BRB." Katara herd Haru walk away from the phone. She sat on her bed and patiently waited for him to come back. "Okay he said that I can use it so IM COMING OVER THIS WEEKEND!" Katara cheered. "YES! Oh hey there is also a party Friday night so your going wether you like it or not Kay babes?" Haru laughed. "Sure thing babe." Sokka busted into the room. "Hey Katara who are you calling babes?!" Katara laughed. "Relax I'm just on the phone with Haru." Sokka sighed. "Oh okay I thought you had a secret boyfriend. I still don't understand why you guys call each other babe. But whatever." Sokka and Katara laughed as he left the room. "Okay Haru I'm hungry so I'm gonna hang up I will call you later okay?" "Sure thing bye!" "Bye!" Katara hung up the phone. She ran down stairs and saw Sokka eating bacon. Katara laughed. "Why are you just randomly eating bacon? In the middle of the day? And you have nothing on the side just bacon." Sokka shrugged. "Hey what can I say, the meat calls me. No matter the form it's in." The siblings both start laughing until they see their father come in the front door. His clothes were wrinkled and his hair was messy. He was also swaying from side to side. "This is so fucking unbelievable. He talks about coming here for a fresh start but look at him. It's pathetic. He's pathetic. At least I can drink responsibly." Katara said. "Hakoda you've been gambling again haven't you?" Sokka asked. "Yes! Yes I have! And I won! And then a really lovely lady told me to buy this wine! Said it was super good! Only problem was it cost all the money I just won! So I bought it! Because she said I could win again!" Katara and Sokka facepalmed. "I gave her the drink and told her to hold it. But she took it and went bye byes! Lemme tell you kids! She was obsessed with me!" Katara looked at Sokka. "Pathetic." They both said at the same time. "I know! I told her she wasn't my type!"

It's been a week, it's now Friday. Katara hasn't spoken to Aang or his crew. She had gotten really close to Suki, Mai, Toph and Azula and Tylee. But Katara was the closest with Suki and Azula. Katara woke up and yawned. She looked at her phone and smiled.

(Me is Katara) Messages:


💚babe😳: hey I'm packing my stuff I'm gonna leave my house around 11 so I can pick you up at school.

Me: lol you don't need to do that me and sokka have our own car now

💚babe😳: yeah I know but you get to show off what an amazing best friend you have. Imma blast our song you better sing it with me the sec you exit that school from the school door all the way till you get in the car

Me: LMFAO I'm ready!

💚babe😳: if we are going to a party tonight... you making a very noticeable exit so people know your not boring

Me: lol okay see u soon

End of messages

Katara laughed and made a mental note to remember her over dramatic exit before the party. She got ready and ran downstairs. She saw Sokka setting down a bowl for her. "Aw thanks Sokka." Katara hugged her brother and he hugged her back. "Don't worry about it little sis." They ate breakfast and drove to school. Katara was super excited for school to be over so she can see Haru and they can sing their song as she exits the school. Katara was in homeroom and it was very obvious she was in a good mood. "Someone's happy today." Katara looked up and saw Aang smirking at her. "Yes I am. You haven't talked to me all week. And today I'm in a great mood now go away so you don't ruin it." Aang pretended to be hurt. "Ouch that hurt." Katara rolled her eyes. The bell rang and Katara went to her next class.

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