{Chapter 20}

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Katara slowly opened her eyes and felt strong arms around her waist. She lifted her blanket and saw that she was naked. She shifted so she was looking at Aang. She looked down and saw he was also naked. "Oh wow." Katara thought as she looked at his body. "He Looks even hotter when it's day time." Katara blushed at her thoughts but kept her eyes glued to him.

Aang woke up and saw Katara staring at him. He smirked. "Done staring?" She flinched and looked at Aang to see him smirking at her. She turned bright red and turned around so her back was facing him. Aang chuckled and scooted closer to her, he put his mouth to her ear. "I would think after what we did last night you wouldn't get embarrassed about anything around me."  He slowly trailed his hand from her arm to her thigh.

Katara groaned and sat up. "You can't do that! That's not fair!" "What's not fair? I don't understand what I'm doing?" Aang asked innocently. Katara was about to yell at him but she then thought of a plan. She took a deep breath then looked him in the eyes and smirked at him. Aang instantly felt butterflies in his stomach. "W-what's that smirk for?" He stuttered. She straddled him and leaned down near his ear. "Are you nervous Aang?" She whispered. He couldn't see her but he could tell that she had a huge smirk on her face. Katara sat back up and looked at him. He grabbed onto her back and brought her down. "Do you want a kiss?" She asked, Aang nodded. She slowly started to bring her face closer to his, they were centimeters apart until, "WHO BROKE MY NANA'S VASE?!?!?" Katara stopped and slowly backed away. Aang opened his eyes and looked up at Katara smirking at him. "I'm gonna get you back." "Yeah sure you will." Katara then hopped off Aang and started to slowly get dressed. "What today you woke up and decided to to torture me? Why Katara?" Katara started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Aang yelled. "I-I'm sorry," Katara finished putting her clothes on and stood next to Aang with her hands on her hips. "I'm just wondering how long it's going to take for you to get y-your friend to c-calm down!" Katara could hardly talk towards the end of the sentence and busted out laughing. Aang was confused until he looked down and turned bright red. He groaned as he reached for a pillow and shoved it into his face. "Well shit Katara look what you did! This is your fault!" Katara put her hands in the air. "Hey I was just getting dressed your the one who couldn't keep their eyes off me." Katara then laughed and ran out the room. "Katara wait!"

Katara happily skipped down the stairs feeling like she had won the little teasing battle she had with Aang. She got to the bottom of the stairs and stopped when she saw Chan looking at her with an angry expression and Sokka laying face flat on the ground next to him. She looked around the room and saw broken pieces of the vase around the room. "Wow we made that much of a mess?" Katara thought to herself. "Wait why is Sokka on the floor?" "Why is Sokka on the floor?" She asked. Chan laughed. "OH OH SO YOU NOTICE SOKKA BUT NOT THE BROKEN GLASS ALL OVER THE GROUND?!" Chan yelled. Katara walked to Chan and put a hand on his shoulder. "Chaaan , my dude, my bro, my broski, listen let ME just clean this all up, take it to a great person I know, and get and exact replica of it, and then we can pretend like this never happened!" Chan looked at Katara confused. "Are you high or some shit?" Katara laughed and smacked Chan's back making him groan in pain. "What?! Nooooo! I'm just in a great mood!"

Then as if it were planned Aang walked out of Katara's room adjusting his pants a bit then making his way to Katara, Chan, and a dead looking Sokka.

Chan looked at Katara and smirked. "AAAAAA I SEEEEEE! You got some of that D!" Chan yelled "Shutthefuckup." Chan started laughing so hard he started to tear up. Aang looked at Chan confused. "What happened?" Katara rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen. She came back with a sweeper and a dust pan and began sweeping the broken pieces of glass and putting them into a bag. "This is your fault Aang." Katara said. "I'm confused. Wait is Sokka dead?"

Katara hopped into the passenger seat of Aang's car and put an address into his phone. They drove for 45 minutes until the GPS told them that they had reached their destination. Aang looked up to see they were at a large black house with a long path that led to the front door. "This looks creepy Katara, why are we here?" He asked. Katara grabbed the bag and got out the car, she motioned for Aang to follow her so he did. "Well Aang you see when me and Sokka were living in the southern water tribe, around the age of 14 people started to recognize their sexualities. And I was pretty popular over there so when Girls started to come out as bi I got even more attention. Now at the time I was friends with a girl named June, she came to me and confessed that she was bi. I obviously was supportive of her because she was my friend, and things started to get a little weird." Aang looked down at Katara. "Weird how?" He asked. "Well a little after she told me she was bi she told me she also had feelings for me. Feelings she's had even before we were friends, she asked me out and I rejected her but told her that I wanted to stay friends and she agreed. Everything was going great until I went over to her house for a sleepover one night. Wasn't anything out of the ordinary just a regular sleepover. The next day I noticed I forgot something at her house so I went there and she wasn't home. I asked her mom where she was and she said that she had stayed after school a little longer to get some extra work done. I told her I forgot some things and she told me to just head up to her room and get them. So I went and I discovered some things. There was some of my old projects that I had thrown away at school, some of my old hair brushes and some of my hair ties. An empty perfume bottle that I had just finished a week ago, some of my pencils and erasers, and a bunch of other things. I got curious and decided to check her room out. That's when I found it." Aang looked at Katara eager to hear the rest of the story. "There was some poster board sticking out from under her bed, I grabbed it and opened it and there it was. Pictures of me all printed and on this poster. There was also a little corner of the poster labeled 'things about my love'. And it was my shoe size, dress size, pant size, shirt size, bra size, my favorite color, what my element was, who had a crush on me, and finally a list." Katara cringed. "What was on the list now I wanna know!" Katara sighed. "It was a list of things she wanted to do with me." Aang nodded. "Go on." "You want to know everything that was on the list?!" Katara asked. "Of course I do! This is getting interesting!" Katara laughed. "Okay on the list were 5 things, #1 hold my hand, and then in apostrophes she put in a romantic way, because we have held hands before. #2 kiss me #3 take me on a date. #4 see me in a bathing suit, because obviously in the South Pole no one is wearing bathing suit. #5 I think you can guess what number 5 was." Aang thought for a moment. "UGH BITCH!" Katara laughed. "What happened?" Aang grabbed her waist. "You stay close to me." Katara laughed. "Okayyy."

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