{Chapter 28}

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Katara woke up to a blinding light, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She laid in the bed of a motel near the club she was at with her friends last night. "Ugh.." she groaned as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She held her head in her hands and sat in silence thinking about what she has done. "I made the right decision, this is better for everyone. They won't be caught up in this whole murder situation and can live their lives. I can make a new life somewhere else. Maybe get a new identity or something." Katara thought to herself aloud.

She decided to get ready for the day, last night she stopped by Aang's house while everyone was still at the club and managed to pack a couple outfits, a hair brush, a tooth brush and tooth paste. "Okay it's time to finally make the right decision."

• 3 months later •

Aang's POV:

It's been 3 fucking months. Three. "ITS BEEN 3 FUCKING MONTHS!" I yelled as Sokka and Zuko sat on the side of my bed watching me yell and scream.

Everything has changed, she left and I don't understand why. We had everything under control and we would have gotten though it together. If anything she just did the dumbest thing a person could do. She's accused of murder and then runs away never to be seen again. Did she not think of how guilty that makes her look?!

Sokka hasn't been the same since she left, and I don't blame him she was his only family. Me and the rest of the gaang always see him staring at the scar on his left arm, the matching scar he has with his sister.

Suki and Toph are trying to deal with her disappearance, but they just always seem so sad. Mai seems even more distant than she was before, and I think it hit Azula the hardest. Azula completely left the friend group after one month of Katara being gone.

We reported her disappearance to the police about 2 months ago and they have been looking for her ever since but haven't found her. Hakoda even had the audacity to show up to some of our search parties, Sokka would have beaten him to death if we didn't stop him.

Don't even get me started on that Haru guy, he's gone completely crazy. He's constantly following me and my friends around basically stalking us because he truly believes that we are hiding her 'to keep him away from his one true love'. Fucking phyco.

I- I just miss her...

Katara's POV:
"Now what the fuck is this?" I turned around to see Luna holding her phone really close to my face. "Well I can't really see it when it's literally touching my nose. Why don't you back it the fuck up so I can see." I say annoyed. But I have to be friends with her, I kinda need to look normal especially now. She groaned and moved it away. My heart dropped and I felt tears in my eyes. It was Aang, he made an account on all social media platforms and all of them went viral. Their all about finding me, pictures and videos of me. Of course this is sad but I also have to think about this, this is gonna make my life a lot harder.

Why? Because now millions of fucking people know I'm fucking missing and are gonna recognize me. Fucking shit I love him. I mean hate him, Ugh.

"Katie this is fucking weird who is this guy and why does he have so many pictures and videos of you? And he doesn't even know your name! He calls you Katara! Fucking clout chaser." Luna yells and throws herself onto my bed. Yup that's my new name. "I don't know who he is, I bumped into the guy at the movie theater and he came up to me and asked me for my number because he thought I was cute. I thought he was cute too so I gave it to him. We texted for about a week and then poof, he ghosted me." I lie effortlessly. Luna looks at me with a weird look in her eye. I can't really tell wha- "I uh think I'm gonna head out. You know how my mom is always wants me home for dinner!" Luna laughs nervously quickly gettin off my bed. Suspicious...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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