{Chapter 26}

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"We want to report a murder." Haru yelled smacking his hand onto the counter in front of him. Behind him stood Kayla and Tylee standing tall and confident. An officer speed walked their way. "I hope you kids know this is no laughing matter and if you are trying to play some joke you and your girlfriends could face some serious consequences." The officer said in a serious tone. Kayla's lip curled in disgust and looked at Tylee to see her lightly smirking.

"We need to speak to officer Lin it's urgent." Tylee said quickly changing her face to a scared on and forcing tears into her eyes. Kayla raised an eyebrow impressed by Tylee's acting skills. "Well you came at the perfect time officer Lin was just about to leave but she loves solving these kinda cases so I'm sure she'll make some time to hear what you kids have to says, follow me."

All three of them followed the Officer down a long hallway when they stopped in front of a wooden door. "Remember this is a serious matter if you are trying to play some trick you will regret it. And if your telling the truth be sure to tell Officer Lin EVERYTHING you saw. And don't leave out any details because you don't see it as important. Because it's usually those 'unimportant' details that could help save people's lives from being the next victim." They all nodded understanding what the Officer said and walked into Lin's office.

"Tylee? What are you doing here? And you've brought other people with you..." Tylee looked up at Officer Lin with tears running down her face. "Oh what happened? Why are you crying?" Lin asked. "Well you see Officer Lin, I believe that Katara is going to get away with Meng's murder..." Tylee said looking down at her feet as Haru put a hand on Tylee's shoulder pushing up tears himself. Kayla decided to play along but wasn't able to make herself cry. Her mind was going crazy thinking about what she should say and all ways this could go. They haven't discussed exactly what they were going to say so she assumed they are just improvising right now. But I guess that was part of the plan something planned sounds planned and rehearsed, they are just making everything up as they go and man does it sound real.

Lin leaned forward in her chair motioning for all three of them to sit in front of her. They all sat down Tylee in the middle and Haru to her left and Kayla to her right. Lin handed Tylee a box of tissues and she quickly grabbed one wiping her watery eyes. "Why would you say something like that Tylee?" Lin asked taking out a small notepad and pen. Tylee eyed the notepad then looked to Haru who threw her a quick smirk before going back to his sad state. All going unnoticed by Lin.

"Well I thought it was obvious that Katara was the one who killed Meng and I thought that by now she would have been serving time for doing something so horrible, but she's not. Everyone seems to believe her lies except for you, I believe your the only one who can see the truth. And I have a feeling the reason she's not behind bars yet is because of her boyfriend being the avatar." Lin nodded writing everything down.

"A-and I trusted you guys to put her behind bars I told you that I KNEW FOR A FACT that Katara had killed Meng and I believed you guys would keep me safe but you haven't done that!" Tylee sobbed as Haru rubbed circles on her back. "A-and now she for sure k-know that I t-told that she k-killed M-Meng and s-she's already been giving me d-dirty looks! S-she's probably g-going to 'get rid' of m-me next! And it's all y-y-your f-fault!!" Tylee cried putting her face in her hands and whaling. It really wasn't a pretty sight, but it was believable.

"I am so sorry Tylee I understand I can provide Police to guard your home at all times but I know that's not enough." Lin leaned onto the desk. "Mark my words all three of you I'm going to put Katata behind bars this week. It's getting out of hand so I must take extreme measures... but i assure you she will be in jail wether I get her there legally or not. And the Avatar will have absolutely no say in it."


"C'mon Katara so much has happened it really wouldn't hurt to let loose and have some fun." Suki said happily squeezing Katara's arm. "Yeah Katara don't be boring!" Toph yelled. "I really would rather be anywhere but here." Mai said in a bored tone. "C'mon Katara don't be a pussy!" Azula smirked at her.

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