{Chapter 27}

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Katara's POV:

Sometimes we do things in the heat of the moment. One second we can be having fun dancing with friends without a single care in the world, and the next your rethinking all your life decisions.

When you wake up in the morning and get in your car to drive to school, or get on the bus, or walk to school. You never expect your life to change. It's just a walk to school what could possibly happen in that little bit of time.
We all go about our lives not knowing when our time will be up. When you wake up in the morning my you never really think that you might not wake up to go to school the next day. Sure maybe you've thought about how your eventually going to die but no one ever really really thinks about it until death is right outside your door.

I've seen death with my own eyes, and not once has it been a pretty thing. Especially when you know that you were the reason this person is experiencing this type of pain. Having someone life flash before your eyes, me you or anyone alive we'll ever know how that feels until it happens to us.

I've taken 3 peoples lives from them, but Meng sticks out the most. She was my age so young and had so much more life to live, and I took that away from her. Sometimes I think to myself, 'what if I would have let her Finnish what she was trying to do? What if I had let her kill me?' Would anything be changed? Would Aang and my friends be less stressed. Not having to carry the burden of knowing that they helped a criminal? Maybe they would be sad and mourn my death but me dying would not have ruined their lives. If the police find out how much these girls have helped me...

I'm ruining all of them, Sokka too. Even though all these people are so special to me and are my family, I cannot be selfish like I've been all this time. I'm putting their futures at risk, and that's not fair to them.
Especially Aang, he's the Avatar I'm giving him such a bad name by just being around him! That it, I'm done being selfish. I can't be selfish with them. Not anymore, these people are to amazing to be held back.

I grabbed my drink and drank the last bit of it. I unlocked my phone and sent the group chat a message, "I love all of you and I'm done holding you all back. It's my fault you are all in this mess and now I'm going to try to fix it. Thank you each and every one of you, and I will never forget you guys. ❤️" A tear fell down my face as I send the message and sent Aang a private message. "I don't want to make this long and depressing because this is not how I want you to remember me, so I love you and never ever let anyone change you, you are an amazing person and anyone is lucky to even look at you, you are too good for this world. I will never forget you🧡💙.

I stood up from my chair to find the girls dancing in the middle of the dance floor. I laughed to myself. And walked over to them. "Hey girls I'm going to use the bathroom okay?!" I yelled over the music. "Okay!" They all replied. "I love you guys!" I yelled my eyes watering. "We love you too!" And after that i walked out the club.


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