{chapter 17}

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"Katara today is just you and me baby." Aang said. Katara laughed. They both felt extremely happy, like they were floating on clouds. "Let's go get Pizza!" Katara yelled excitedly. Aang laughed. They drove down the streets fast to the pizza place.

Once they had finished their pizza Katara and Aang had just gotten in the car. "Aang we should go roller skating!" Katara said. Aang nodded and they drove to the skating rink.

They got there and were both shocked. Aang hadn't been to the skating rink in ages and this was Katara's first time being at this skating rink. "They must have remodeled the place because it looks awsome!" Aang yelled and jumped around like a little kid. Katara laughed and grabbed Aang's wrist. "Come on let's go get some skates!" They both laughed uncontrollably as they ran to the front desk. Neither of them knew what was so funny that they were both laughing so much, but they both just assumed they were just happy to finally have each other.

Once they got their skates they skates over to the huge skating floor. There was music blasting people laughing and dancing around, people falling on their butts, a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. The skating rink just made everyone happy, it just felt like a huge fun party were you can be a kid again. Katara laughed as they started skating. They both started dancing in their skates. They were doing some pretty cool moves so everyone skates backwards and formed a circle around them to watch. Aang and Katara had no idea though, they were to caught up in each other they hadn't noticed their was a dance circle at all. They ended their dance with Aang dipping Katara. They were snapped out of their trance by the whole skating rink praising them, even the dj. They both laughed and skated away. They sat down on a bench to catch their breath. "That was so fun!" Aang yelled. Katara laughed. "Your such a goofball." Katara said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Once they were done skating they retuned their skates and were walking to Aang's car. Suddenly Katara stopped walking and gasped loudly. "What? What's wrong?" Aang asked worried. "I totally forgot about Chan, and Sokka!" Katara said running to Aang's car. Aang laughed and ran to the car with her. Katara basically jumped through Aang's window and saw her bag in the back seat. She dug in it and found her phone. She had 99+ notifications. "Woaw." Katara said. Aang leaned over to look at Katara's phone. Katara handed him her phone. "Oh wow that's a lot of notifications." Aang said while chuckling. Katara set up the phone so that it could see her and Aang. She pressed a button to FaceTime Sokka. Aang didn't think he was visible in the camera so he was just chillin out drinking some water. Sokka picked up the phone and instantly started screaming. "KATARA WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Sokka screamed. "Yeah I'm sorry Sokka I spent the day with Aang." Katara said pointing to Aang. "WELL YOU NEED TO GET HOME NOW!" Sokka yelled. "Why? What's the rush?" Katara asked a little annoyed. "Haru's the rush." Sokka switched the camera to show Haru sitting on Chan's couch trying to talk to him, but Chan ignoring. Katara sat up fast making Aang flinch. Her voice and face instantly became serious. "What's he saying?" Katara asked. "He's saying that Hakoda wants us back at the house and he has to talk to you about something." Sokka said. "I TOLD THAT BITCH TO GO HOME!" Katara yelled. She took a deep breath. "Sokka... you stay right where you are, and don't let that desperate asshole go anywhere." Katara said in a serious tone. She then hung up. "Aang I want you to drive me home. But this time stay with me. Come inside with me. Since you know everything now it's okay that you come with me." Katara said. Aang nodded and started driving, a little sad that Haru had ruined their fun day.

They arrived at Chan's house and Katara quickly got out the car. Aang was a little nervous, he had never seen Katara look like she was genuinely going to kill someone. They walked to Chan's front door and Katara unlocked it with her key. She grabbed Aang's hand and turned around to face him. "You can leave right now, you can say you had nothing to do with any of this. You don't have to get in the middle of all these problems. My problems." Katara said. Aang caressed her cheek. "I'm going to be with you till the very end." Katara blushed and smiled at him before her face changed in 2.2 seconds and aggressively kicked the door open. Aang quietly laughed at how fast her mood changed.

"WHERES THIS SON OF A BITCH!?!" Katara yelled. Haru ran up to Katara and tried to hug her but Aang held his arm out. "In case you couldn't tell she doesn't want to hug you." Aang said. "Didnt I tell you to go home?" Katara snapped. "Well yes but then something happened!" Haru said excited. "Listen to me Haru..." Katara grabbed Haru's hands. "I don't give to shits about you or anything that happens to you anymore. So do us both a fucking favor and go home." Katara said. Haru sighed. "This isn't about me Katara it's about you and Sokka. Just come over to your house tomorrow at 2pm. Trust me you won't regret it." Haru said. He then tried to brush her hair out of her face but Katara water whipped him. "Katara I'm trying to be nice here. I know we are destined to be together and so does your dad. Oh by the way, you missed the wedding. Malina is now officially your step mom. Meaning she's related to you." Haru said with a smirk that creeped both her and Aang out. "Well not biologically." Katara said. "Whatever your still related. But I'm serious Katara if you aren't going to cooperate we are going to have to do this the hard way." Haru said. "Get out Haru." Haru sighed and walked past Katara he stopped by the door. "Tomorrow 2pm don't forget. You won't regret it I promise." Haru then walked out the door. Katara turned to Aang, "hey Aang wanna come to my room?" Katara asked. Aang nodded and they both ran upstairs.

Katara and Aang were making out in her bedroom, the kiss started to get heated as Aang broke away and began kissing her neck. Katara tired to undo his pants but Aang stopped her. "What's wrong?" Katara asked. "Katara I want to make sure your okay with this, your okay with me being your first time." Aang said. Katara looked into his stormy grey eyes. "I'm ready, and losing my v-card to you in something I will not regret." Katara tried to undo his pants but Aang stopped her once again. Katara groaned. "What now?" Aang chuckled. "Your brother and Chan are downstairs. And I really feel like you should think about it before you agree to let me take your virginity." Aang sat back on her bed. "Do you not want to have sex with me?" Katara asked. "Of course I do-" Aang was cut off by Sokka running up the stairs and screaming. Katara rolled her eyes. "Brace yourself Avatar." Aang laughed. "I JUST NOTICED AANG WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME! AANG YOU DICKHEAD!"

Katara, Sokka and Chan all pulled up to school the next day. The whole ride was silent, Sokka decided to break the silence. "I hope Aang's okay. Good guy, good guy." Sokka said sitting back in his seat drinking his smoothie. Katara turned around and death glared Sokka. "Did you really just say that?!? You tired to kill him!!" Katara screamed. "Hey hey hey! It wasn't that crazy! I wants trying to kill him!" Sokka yelled sitting up. "YOU CHASED HIM AROUND THE KITCHEN WITH A KNIFE!" Katara screamed making Chan giggle. Katara snapped her head to look at Chan who hid his face in fear. "Sorry Katara I didn't mean to laugh." Chan said quivering like a little puppy. "You better be." Katara said glaring at Chan. "If looks could kill' the two boys thought as Katara got out the car and walked to Aang.

"Ready for this?" Katara asked taking Aang's hand in hers. "Ready."

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