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The song for this chapter is: Roslyn/ st. Vincent and Bon Iver

Chapter Two

TW: violence and paranormal activities
AN: two chapters because I felt like it! Also because I was so excited about this chapter! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! <3

Harry's POV

My food climbed up the last few steps of the ladder and I pulled myself up to the old wood floor.

"You are so slow." Niall says sitting down in one of the beanbags in the corner of the small room.

"Yeah and you're annoying. We all have our own issues."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. I walked around the old tree house and looked out the window. The rain made a white noise against the wood of the small cube. Rain smell filled my nose and I took a deep breath in.

"Where is Sam? I thought she was coming?"

Niall stood.  "She will be here soon." he walked up next to me, looking out the window as well.

"So, what are you two?" I smirk.

Niall and Sam have had an unsaid romance that neither of them will confront. They know they like each other. Niall is a pussy to be completely honest. He acts like he could take on a whole army, but he runs away when he sees a bee.

"I Don't know." he mumbles looking away.

I pat his back, "You will know eventually." I say. "Aw Niall has a crush!" I tease. Nialls face turns a shade of bright red, out of embarrassment he punches my arm. "Shut up asshole."

I let a laugh slip and continue to the window. "When you have a crush on someone, I'm going to give you so much shit. You wait Harry."

I have been here for about three months, and everyone looks the same around here. I mean Sam is different but Niall pulled that one. Sam was beautiful not in the way because she was "different" then other girls. You just feel a warm feeling around her. Her personality is so kind and secure. I feel like Niall likes her because that's everything he needs. Since his mum passed, he has changed. He used to never want a serious relationship. I feel like he is searching for someone similar to his mother. It sounds weird but, he really loved his mum. Sam is Niall's dream.

    My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the latch door on the floor. Niall lifted the handle to reveal Sam. "Hey guys." The smile on her face was bright as usual. Niall put his hand down to help her climb the rest of the way up. "Let me help you, Lovely." he Smiles and she takes his hand. "Thank you sir."

    I Stood and waved. "Hello Samantha."

    Sam dusted herself off and waved back. "Hi Harry." Niall closed the door and went over to the bag he brought up here a few hours before.

    "Alrighty, who's ready for some fun?" He had a devilish grin on his face. Oh no, he had planned something. That's always the problem.

    "That will depend on what you have in that bag Mr Horan." said Sam. Niall turned to unzip his bag. When he turned around he had a large, thin box. The front said "Ouija."  Sam gasped out loud.

    "Niall, those are so dangerous!"

    "Come on now, don't go cold turkey on me!" he Whines. "Come on Harry."

    Growing up Catholic, I was always taught to never step near one of those things. I  have heard the stories and never touched one because of them. Now i have my own beliefs but I don't think its good to mess with things on the other side. "Niall, I don't think its a good idea."

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