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A/N: omg hi, this chapter is almost 3,000 words! It's kind of a filler but not. It's Important! I hope you like it! <3

Also this song helps a ton with the rain, when you see ^^^ play the song linked up top!

Montana's Pov

"Beyond us"
Chapter 17
"The Human body can reject or welcome any kind of spirit. Possession causes mood swing like shifts. The spirit can shift in and out it chooses to show himself. Taunting the Spirit tends to get them to show themselves, but it's also the most dangerous method of contacting the dead that's in the living."

"Hey hun," My dad knocks on my open door. My eyes meet his tired ones. " I just got a call from the station. I'll be back late."
I nod. "Okay, I'll be here." gesturing to my book by lifting it up off my lap slightly. He took a look closer at the cover of it.
"Well that looks interesting, is that one new?" he asked, resting his shoulder on the door frame crossing his arms.
"Yeah, it's definitely different from the rest i've read. But it's kind of interesting." I shrug.
"For sure."
"Ill see you later dad. Be safe!" He turned and talked out of my room. The whole house to myself was a normal occurrence and i didnt mind. I will just either read or watch crime shows by myself.
My stomach growled making me realize how hungry I really am. I found myself looking around in the fridge for food. Because I am lazy I went and grabbed the cereal and milk, making myself a bowl. I sat down in front of the TV watching True Crime Network. Only ten minutes into the program my phone buzzed.

Hey, can we meet for coffee?

I have known Sam for three years. She's my best friend. To be honest, she's my only friend. I didn't mind that though. I like things simple.

Yeah! Ill meet you at fifteen?

Sounds good, see you then.


I sat at an empty table in a local coffee shop, Sam always went there. I sipped my latte and waited scrolling through my phone. I saw Sam come through the doors and quickly sit down in front of me.
"Oh girl, do I have a story to tell you." she huffs.

"Oh god, what is it?" I take a swig of my latte.

"You know, Niall." she confirms. "He Invited me up to his tree house for board games last night. His friend Harry tagged along. I thought this was going to be a date."

"Oh no, that is so awkward."

"Oh no it gets worse. He pulled out a ouija board."

I gasped. "Oh my god." my mind went straight to the book i've been reading. I had read a few chapters on those things. They can be insanely dangerous.

"Somehow Niall convinced me and Harry to do it. It was so scary, It was one of the worst moments of my life." She hid her face in her hands. "It started counting down and-"

"Woah what? What do you mean?" I interrupted.

"It started counting down from ten and when it got to one. Nothing happened." she exclaimed with her hand running through her brown curly hair. "But the whole feeling was completely off. Harry ended up leaving to go home but he never made it to his car. Me and Nial found him passed out in the woods like a mile away from the tree house." She gulped.

I covered my mouth with my hand. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been to see that. "What did you do?"

She sighed and continued, "Niall called an ambulance. He is in the hospital right now. Niall is there with him."

I just noticed how pale her face was, her cheeks were usually a bright pink and her eyes squinted from her smile. Right now, she looked like she had seen a ghost. She kept running her hand through her hair, im guessing a nervous tick i never noticed she had. "Hey," I reached my hand out and grabbed hers sitting on the table. " He will be fine, you and Niall will talk things out I'm sure."

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