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"What's wrong?"

Please stop talking.

"Hello?" Harry asked.

I shook my head. "No."

Harry reached his hand to my arm. Before it could reach me I jolted my arm back in disgust. Those hands have done things I can't imagine. Who knows what else they could have done? I could be next.

"Do not touch me!" I stumbled back.

Harry's eyes widened and he stepped back. I saw Niall in the corner of my eye walking toward us. "Hey, what's happening over here."

"Nothing Niall. Montana and I are just talking." Harry reassured Niall.

What a fucking liar.

"Okay," Niall looked at me. "Are you sure you're okay, Montana?"

I panicked. Harry looked at me like I was insane. I simply nodded and sat down in my chair once again. "Yeah."

Niall nodded and walked over to Sam again. I feel like I'm going crazy. My head hurts so bad and I just want to sleep, But even if I went home I wouldn't be able to sleep. I'm spiraling, I can feel it and I need to stop. Harry's green eyes found mine.

"Montana, Can I come over later tonight?"

Wait, what?

"Uh," I stuttered. "Yeah I guess."

"Okay, is around eight okay?" he asked, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

I just nodded. He did a simple nod as well, he walked away and down one of the isle of records.


It was almost half past nine. I anxiously waited on my couch, my leg bouncing in anticipation. I had chewed my nails down a bit in fear. I was beyond stupid, Why was I so up tight. That just was talking out of ass. Harry wasn't coming. The dream was a coincidence and I'm going insane.

I made the decision to go take a shower around ten. I waited and waited but he still didn't show. The steam in the bathroom was seeping through the cracked door I left open. I pulled a dry towel around my damp body and walked in front of my mirror. Wiping away some of the fog I looked at my face. I never paid much attention to my face, Even my body really. I met Sam and it all changed. She was slim, fit and perfect. She looked amazing, an hourglass figure.

I wasn't a complete square, I have some hips and I would say my upper body was okay. I had a bit of a tummy, no i was not completely flat. I looked healthy, I like my Tummy. Compared to Sams, she won. There is no doubt about that. I looked okay, I lifted my arms up and did a few poses in my mirror. I looked pretty good. I smiled to myself and walked out into the hallway.

Let's just say, I wasn't prepared to see Harry sitting on my bed when I walked in. I jumped, letting out a small shriek.

"Oh." He turned to see me in my towel.

"How did you get in?" I panic.

"The window."

"I'm on the second floor!"

"There is a large tree right outside your window! Your front door was locked and no one was answering the door." he shrugged.

This guy is unbelievable. I have known him for a week and he thinks he can just sneak into my room? I quickly turned around so he couldn't see my face. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "I'm gonna go get dressed."

"Okay!" He said from behind me.

My clothes are in my room. I'll have to go in there either way, I take a deep breath and turn to face him. "I need to get clothes."

He stood with his hands on his hips, he nodded and turned around. I quickly grabbed some sweats and a big shirt. I Ran as fast as I could out of there. I made my way to my bathroom locking the door behind me.

All of that confidence just left my body, Weak and small. I Quickly got dressed and I walked out of the door slowly. Taking slow steps down the hall, popping my head in my room. There sat Harry, on my bed with "Beyond us" in his hand. My still shaking body fully entered my room closing my door, If my dad saw this, I would be dead.

"Hey." Harry stood, he fixed his shirt when he stood. "Sorry about that." he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Where were you? You said eight."

His Smile dropped and he looked down at his feet. I could hear his sighs and he brought his head back up to me. "I'm sorry."

"Not good enough." I crossed my arms.

He furrowed his brows at me. "What do you mean?" His face was stern and hard. He honestly looked really intimidating.

I gulped and stepped forward. "I know what you did, Harry."

His face didn't change, he stood still like a statue. He stepped forward closer to me, my heart pounded and my Brain went mushy. He was close enough so I could hear him whisper. I Stepped back but my door caught me.

"I came to explain myself." he paused. "What you heard on the radio today."

He tried to continue but I cut him short. "Oh my god Harry."

"No No Montana, it wasn't me!" He was frantic. He ran his hand through his hair. "Well it was me, But not what you think!" He Looked like a crazy person.

This man, this man in front of me killed someone. He was a monster. I just covered my mouth in shock. "Harry." I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming.

He stepped away and turned away from me, "I can't do this." He sat down on the bed and put his face in his hands. I stayed in place, frozen. I didn't know what to do, he looked up at me and anger brimmed his eyes. "You won't understand. You won't listen. I didn't kill him!"

"Harry, how did you kill him, and also not kill him?!"

I heard him sniffle and groan. His face was red with anger and his face hung with fear. He sighed and stood. "I woke up in a field covered in blood. I don't know how I got there." he stepped closer. "But I have an idea of who brought me there. Who did this."


His breath hitched and he paused, "Vincent."


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