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(This song has been on repeat recently so I thought I'd share)

I felt his hands all over my body, I felt it in every place you could imagine. His hot breath on my neck, His soft moans in my ear. I had goosebumps all over, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Do you feel good, Montana?"

I bit my lip and nodded slowly, closing my eyes. His hand found its way to the waistband of my pajama shorts, He paused for a moment then continued. My back arched as My breath was taken away. "Harry," I moaned.

"You make me feel," he kissed my neck. "Alive."

I opened my eyes and was met with his green ones, "I do?"

He nods.

Our lips collide and move as one, he bit my bottom lip and pulled away. A worried look on his face. "Montana?"

"Montana!" My dad shook me from my sleep. My heart was beating out of my chest and my legs were trembling.

"What?" I scrambled the blankets to cover myself, even though I have clothes on.

"I'm home," he said sitting up. My cheeks were on fire, I feel the humiliation all over my body.

I simply nodded and looked at the time,

7:37 am

"I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast before you work?" he asked. He tucked his hands in his pockets, he seemed almost nervous to ask. I nodded and gave him a weak tired smile. "Okay, ill wait downstairs while you get ready."

I nodded and he walked out of my room looking drowsy, I am so embarrassed. Of course, he would pick the one time I was having a wet dream he would wake me up. I didn't want it to stop, that's the bad part. Harry would never see me that way. I pulled my heavy duvet off of my legs and dragged my feet to the shower.

I stripped down to my naked body, I looked at the reflection in the mirror. There was already condensation on the edges of the glass making it foggy. I looked at my body, I saw three bright red scratches down my stomach. They didn't hurt until I noticed them, I looked awful. Maybe it's just because I woke up, but I looked pale. The bags under my eyes were so dark I looked like I belonged in The Walking Dead.

I placed my finger on one of the lines, and I gasped at the sting. "My god!" I needed to clean it. I walked into the hot shower, the water made the sting unbearable. I gripped the sides of the shower in agony. It felt like a thousand razor blades doing down my stomach. I grabbed my bar of soap with my shaking hands and get some lather on my hands, gently putting it on the scratches. My teeth grinding at the pain, after I cleaned my body and hair.

I slowly got out and dried off my body, I saw the red scratches even more crimson, irritated, and puffy. I threw on a loose sweater and baggy jeans. My hair was in its natural wave, it was raining outside so I threw on a hat so I don't freeze. My dad met me downstairs, He handed me my coat and we left.

breakfast with my dad, my first thought was that it was going to be awkward. I thought right, it was mostly silent. I heard my dad clear his throat.

"So what have you been up to recently?" He asked.

I thought of all of the nights with Harry, that's all that has been happening. "Nothing. I met Sam's new boyfriend. He is pretty cool I guess."

We sat there nodding, trying to avoid the silence but both failing. "That's cool." he tapped his fingers against the table.

"Yeah." my fight or flight kicked in. what's something to ask? What do I say? "How has work been recent?"

He took in a big puff of air and blew it out. "It's been a lot. I'm guessing you heard about the body in the woods?" he asked, I nodded in response. "Well, we think it was an animal attack. The body was mauled in a way nothing but an animal could do. Most of his insides were missing."

Harry ate him.

"Really?" I chew my lip. "What did it look like?"

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Um it was pretty gruesome, are you sure you want to know?"

To be completely honest, no. But, I feel like I need to know. I have a gut feeling, and those are always right. "Yeah."

"Let's just say," he took another deep breath. "His stomach was across the field, and his head wasn't attached to his body."

I felt the bile rise in my throat, I closed my eyes and resisted the urge to throw up last night's dinner. I guess I shouldn't have asked. My gut was wrong, I hate that.

"It has been the worst thing I've seen in all of my years in the force. I don't know who or what did it. But we are going to find it and put it down for good." He said sternly.

I hope he never finds him. I feel terrible knowing the things he doesn't. For the rest of the drive, we talked about his work. Then about how he has found a few new officers from a town next to us, they are willing to transfer so he can take a few days off now. The whole breakfast was a blur, and slightly less awkward. But it was still weird, I didn't know how to talk to him. The whole time My stomach hurt and I couldn't stop thinking of my dream last night.

I walked into the familiar store I had walked into hundreds of times. "Shelly?"

I heard some shuffling coming from the back office, the small older woman appeared out from the door. "Hello Montana!" A weak smile on her fragile face. "How are you feeling, darling?"

"I'm alright. Is everything okay?" I asked taking off my coat and hanging it up on the coat hanger.

"It's not so good right now, The store is running out of money. We haven't had good business in over three years. It's finally catching up to us, we are struggling to pay bills." She slumped her posture. "It has been a long time coming. I just didn't think id be here to see it happen."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?" I hurried over to her.

She shook her head. "Because you're a kid, it is okay. I had a plan to fix it, it didn't end up working." her voice cracked.

"We are going to fix this," this store has been the only thing with stability for as long as I can remember.

Shelly shook her head, she held back the tears but I knew they were coming. "We can't fix it, we are in too deep Montana."

My head shook in despair, "No we aren't! Ill work for free until we get enough money to get back on our feet!"

"No, I would never ask that of you." she swallowed hard. "We can stay open for as long as our vendors will let us. It breaks my heart to see this place go down like it is, but it's okay. I have excepted it." she grabs the sides of my arms. "And I'm glad you have been here t help me."

I shook my head, "I'm so sorry Shells."

"It's alright dear, it's not your fault." She smiles a frail smile and walks away to her office."

I don't know why, But I need a distraction. I don't care what it is, I can't take another thing that is out of my control right now. It's a good thing I know who to call.

A/N yes it is a filler chapter but this next chapter I think you'll love

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A/N yes it is a filler chapter but this next chapter I think you'll love. ALSO thank you so much for 100 reads!!! LIKE WHAT. I didn't think anyone would read this. It means the world to me. Thank you so much! Don't forget to vote!!

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