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A/N: IM BACK omg Writer's block is real. I've started a new Harry fic! it's called "Charming" if you are interested!! This chapter is a bit intense so little warning!


I read along a few lines of 'Beyond us' as Harry lit the last few candles. We had made a small spot on my bedroom floor, one spot for me, one for him. The candles on the floor separated us.

"Are the candles really necessary?" Harry asked, adjusting his shirt. He had unfortunately put on some of the clothes he had left here a while ago. He might as well have his own closet here, he forgets his things here all the time from our unexpected sleepovers.

"Yes, it is. It says here, 'spirits will seek warmth and light from things like fire and body heat." I read from the page I was on. My eyes met his, "It's important."

He made a line with his mouth and nodded.

"It also adds ambiance." I joke, his lip curled into a small smile. He is scared, and he had every right to be.

We both sat back and got into position. He sat in front crisscross of me on my bedroom floor, the small lights flicker between us.



He sighed and his body slumped with him, "Be careful."

"I will be." I nodded.

We were silent for a few moments, it was absolutely deafening. Harry's eyes stared into mine. It was a mixture of pain and anxiety. He nodded his head, giving me the okay to start. His eyes closed, so did mine.

"Our beloved Vincent, I bring you gifts from life and death, commune with me, Vincent, and move along with me," I spoke.


I repeated myself three more times. It was quiet, The presence in the room was there. I knew he was here, my body was covered in goosebumps. A chill breeze blew around me, Making me jump. My breathing stopped.

"Finally, we meet Montana."

My body froze, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

His voice was scratchy and low, this isn't Harry.

"Open your eyes." He said harshly

I took a shaky breath And slowly opened it to see Harry. He had a terrifying smirk on his lip, that made me sick to my stomach. This isn't Harry, This is Vincent.

"Ah, There she is," He smirked. "I can see why He likes you so much."

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"May I just say Montana," he paused, scanning my body with his eyes. "You are absolutely alluring."

Ew please, I can't look him in the eyes. That's not Harry, His eyes were beautiful and soft. Vincent's eyes made me shudder with fear.

"Um," I trip over my words. "Hello"

"Why have you summoned me?"

Shit, right. "I have a question for you. You have taken over Harry's body. You use him to Get energy. You tell him what to do, And in return, you don't hurt anyone he cares about." I pause. " What is the purpose of all this?" I ask.

He crooked his head to the side, Analysing me. "I needed a body. To do what I'm here for,"

"And what are you here to do?"

"You said 'a' question. That means one." he raised his eyebrows like he was talking to a child.


"I'm here to do exactly what I'm doing." He shrugged his shoulders.

I chewed the inside of my lip, "You're just here to torture Harry? To kill innocent people?" I shook my head in disbelief.

He has a smug grin on his face, he leans in slightly. "I want to take him, and everyone he loves. I want his body," he chuckled. "I have never felt like this, I feel powerful. When I was alive, I was never given the chance to prove how strong I am."

Bile rose in my throat, I had to fight the urge to vomit. "You're a sick bastard." My voice cracks.

"Tell me something I don't know." he rolls his eyes.

A tear falls from my cheek and I swipe it away quickly. He started laughing, like literally laughing at me.

"Oh come on! A pretty face like that shouldn't look so sad! Save those tears, I'm going to give you something to cry about." He smirked.

"What will you do?" My voice shook.

"You'll just have to wait and see, my darling." His hands took my cheeks in their grasp, cupping my face.

He made me feel like I was going to pass out. "Why do you want me? You said everyone he loves. He barely knows me. " I ask not processing what I was asking.

He takes in a deep breath, his shoulders slump. "If you could hear the things he thinks about. You are always on his mind, Montana." He pauses. "Which is why I want you first." He smirks. He Pulls my face closer to his, we were so close, i felt his breath on my lips. "And trust me Montana, I want you." he chuckled.

Oh, fuck me.

"Goodbye." I stammered out.

"Montana you'll be seeing me again." he laughs leaning back. I quickly blew out the candles.

And just like that, his eyes roll into the back of his head. Before I could catch Harry's head, he fell back, his body crashing into the floor behind him. I gather up my emotions and crawled over Harry.

I positioned his head in my hands, "Harry?"

He didn't move, I lightly slapped his face. "Harry!"

We sat there for a while, I ended up putting a pillow under his head. Vincent must have used all of his energy to come out. I cleaned up the alter we made and sat waiting for him to wake up.

I thought about what vincent said, Harry always has me on his mind. He doesn't even know me, let alone does he love me? We have kissed once, but that cant make you fall in love with someone that fast, can it?

 He doesn't even know me, let alone does he love me? We have kissed once, but that cant make you fall in love with someone that fast, can it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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