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The morning came faster than I would have liked. The sun came through my window and shined right onto his beautiful chiseled face. He was still out cold, but I had been awake for an hour. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, pressing me against his chest. I brushed my hand from his cheek up to his hair, smoothing it away from his face. I would have never thought that I would be here, in his arms. The glow from his skin illuminated, he seemed almost unreal.


I jumped slightly, "Harry."

"It is rude to stare." he opened one of his eyes taking a peek at me.

"Sorry!" I start to sit up, but he pulls me back down. His hand caressed my cheek, making me smile a little.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, his voice husky and groggy from his deep sleep.

Last night, I had one of the best nights of sleep I've had in a while. Sleep had become something more daunting than relaxing recently. I felt vulnerable, there was a sense of no security. Maybe it was knowing he was safe beside me, that had made me sleep so peacefully. I licked my lips, "Good."

He smiled and nodded, "Good." he kissed the tip of my nose, which definitely made me blush. I hid my face in his chest. His arms wrapped around my frame and pulled me in tightly. His scent engulfed me, laundry detergent and a lingering smell of cigarettes.

"What time is it?" I asked, his grip loosening around me.

He leaned over me slightly to check the clock I had on my side table. "It is almost eight,"

I sigh and sit up, "I have work in an hour." I ran my hand through my hair, detangling the mess from the rain last night. I'll most definitely need a shower.

"Monty, don't leave," Harry begs. "I want you with me."

"I have to go to work Harry." I pulled my comforter off my legs, and my feet met the cold hardwood floor.

I heard a groan and a light thud. Harry had fallen back onto his pillow and closed his eyes. His chest rose up and down as he took deep breaths. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "You can stay here for a while but my dad should be home around noon."

He didn't move, I took this as a sign to grab my clothes and go to the bathroom. The rain was light today, so I grabbed a big sweater and some loose jeans. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. When I walked into my room, I expected to see Harry unbothered in my bed. I didn't expect him to be missing from that spot, he must have left in a hurry. I checked my phone, no text or call.

Maybe Niall needed something? It's really none of my business.

Montana: Hey, where did you go?

I hit send and grabbed my keys. My short drive to the shop was like usual when I parked I hurried inside. Shelly stood behind the counter When I walked in, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly into a half-smile.

"Hello dear, how are you today?" she asked.

"I'm fine, how are you feeling? Any news about the shop?"

She shook her head, with a sigh. "No, Today I started to pack up the office. I was going to have you start packing up some of our inventory."

That's when it all really hit me, the store was done. I remember when I first got the job here. It was my junior year of high school. Sam and I had wandered into the shop during one of the classes we skipped that day. Shelly talked to us about music and what kinds of records we should listen to, because "the music these days are only about being sad and having sex, and having sad sex!"

I mean she had a good point, she's the one who expanded my music taste, and music is my saving grace now. I can not live without it, I don't think anyone can. It's one of those things that helps the world go round.

"Yeah of course." I grabbed one of the boxes.

"Thank you, Montana, Will you start with the cassettes?" she asked grabbing her coat.

I nodded and started stacking them into the box, "Well I will leave you to it, I'm going to run. I'm going to see if we can maybe get a loan, it is a small very unlikely possibility. But, it's not impossible. I can't bear to lose the store." Her voice hitched.

I hurried over to her and pulled her into a tight hug, "We will figure out a way!"

' she pulled away and nodded, she didn't say anything else. I don't think she can handle saying anything right now. She walked out the front doors and walked down the street.

I packed away all of the cassettes and some of the first sections of records. After I put away section "C" I sat down for a small break. My phone still read no texts or missed calls. My first thought was Harry, I wondered where he had run off to. If I maybe freaked him out in some way, or maybe he just got bored of me. I wouldn't be surprised if he did, I'm not a very entertaining person. I'm sure he has dated some of the most ravishing women, they are all amusing. I mean look at him, he is one of the most euphoric human beings on this planet. He has an intoxicating draw to him, and I was partaking in it.

I just want a text back damnit!

The day went by so fast, I felt like I was only there for a few hours. I had packed up most of the store, I sat at the register waiting for the clock to strike ten o'clock. Twiddling my thumbs, I checked my phone one more time. Still nothing, he had now ignored me for over twelve hours. What the hell is he doing? Is he seeing someone else?

Montana, stop. You're getting ahead of yourself. I had to remind myself to not overthink.

Little did I know all of those questions would be answered soon, A loud pounding noise on the door made the soul leave my body. I jumped with a scream turning quickly to the door. I was not ready to see Harry, covered in blood. His hands-on the doors smearing the crimson color on the door. His body trembled, his mouth was mostly covered.

I stood there frozen in my spot, Not believing what my eyes were seeing. He shook the door, asking me to open it. It took a second to hit me, So I slowly approached the door. My trembling fingers flipped the lock and he swung the door open.

"Monty, I am so sorry. " He stepped closer, only making me step back. "Let me explain."



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