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A/N: This song helps the vibe! Love you!


I haven't seen Harry in almost a week. He seems to only talk to me when he sneaks into my room, or if he sees me with Sam and Niall. He was so mysterious, he has some weird angst about him. Every time I see him my hands get all clammy and my throat feels like I ate a handful of sand. I always want him to see me and to talk to me, but then I remember that day in the shop. I remember that night he came to my house. It all felt weird, you'd think after he told me he killed someone I would run away and tell my dad. He scares me, and I feel like he could hurt me at any moment. But, I'm not scared of him.

I had read up on what he was talking about, how he thinks it's another kind of entity inside him. It says that possession is usually when a Demon or evil spirit takes over a living human host. It uses the body of a human to take it for themselves. What is the purpose of this? I don't know. Harry could be completely crazy, and he could be pulling my leg here. But, I have this strange feeling that there is something more to it.

"Montana, you home?" I hear a deep groggy voice, coming from my kitchen.

"Yeah, dad!"

I heard his heavy boots getting closer to my room. He appeared in my doorway, his eyes were droopy and tired. "I'm home, I'm going to sleep. Can you do the dishes sometime today?"

I nodded and closed my book. "How are you feeling? Can you take a day off soon?" I was worried about him. He has been working non-stop.

He sighed and shook his head, "I don't know when I will be able to, but I'll see what I can do. I miss you a lot you know?"

I nodded curling my lip up slightly. Not in a happy way, in a more "I'm sorry you're so tired and I can't do anything to fix it" way.

He looked like he was about to leave but then he paused. "You remind me so much of your mom, You have her smile."

That was like a slap to the face. My dad has been hung up over my mom's disappearance for over three years. I have gotten over it, Yeah I miss her so much and I wish she was here. Sometimes you have to move on. My dad hasn't moved on at all, the only thing he has stopped doing was crying at every mention of her. I know he is lonely and I wish I could help. All I do is make it worse, I remind him of her too much. I feel like that's why he doesn't look at me for long periods of time.

I averted my gaze from him and looked down at my lap. I heard him take a breath like he was going to say something. But nothing came out of his mouth, his body just dropped and he walked away to his room. I need a distraction or something to get my mother out of my head. I quickly grab my phone and dial a few numbers.


Harry and I sat on the curb of the park down the street from my house. No kids were here, due to the fact it was almost one in the morning. I had to sneak out of my window so my dad won't freak out. Harry sat with a cigarette between his fingers, the grey smoke rising from the end of it. I had never thought of Harry as a smoker, But I could have never seen him as a murderer either. His jaw clenched and he took a drag and flicked the ashes. The smell of the smoke burnt the inside of my nose making me scrunch my face slightly.

His eyes looked away from his hands and up to me, who was awkwardly staring. He looked unbothered, Then I realized that just staring wasn't normal, I quickly Look away. I saw out of the corner of my eyes, his smirk and he when he chewed his lip.

"Do you not like cigarettes?" he asked.

"My dad smokes so not really." I tuck my hair behind my ear. The whole point of this was forgetting my mom, and when I think of my Dad I think of my mom.

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