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 Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The rain kept pouring down onto my roof, its little pounds making sound throughout my house. Dad was asleep, I could hear him snoring all the way down the hall. The coffee cup on my kitchen table steamed in front of me. My bottom slumped in the kitchen chair, I listened to the pitter patter of the rain. It rained a lot usually, maybe four times a week. But, this rain has continued for more than five days in a row. Recently, Something has felt off, I can't put my finger on it. You know those days when you just wake up and things don't feel right? You just have this off feeling all day, and you can't shake it. Harry's visit a few nights ago didn't help the feeling. I had so many questions.

First off, how in the hell does he know where I live?

Second, What was he saying in his sleep? It sounded foreign, french maybe?

Third, why is the image of him in a towel burned in my head.

Fourth,  why me? He could have gone somewhere else, like someone whole actually knows him? The whole thing was weird and awkward. It made me feel sick to my stomach. He gave me a weird vibe, and I didnt like it. Harry was found and they put him back into the hospital. I haven't heard from him since. I don't think Sam or Niall know where he went when he ran away. Harry must be keeping to himself on that, why?

I had lost track of time.

7:26 am

I had work in two hours, there is no way i'm falling asleep, but I don't ever wake up this early. Sleep has not been coming very easily Recently. I picked up my phone and dialed a few numbers.



There was a pause. "Wow, look who's awake before eight!"

"Sam, I know But, we need to talk. Meet for coffee?"

I heard a breathy sigh. On the other end, she was probably up late on the phone with Niall. "Yep, I'll meet you in twenty."

"See you then."

The Call ended, I  pulled my weak body up the stairs to get ready. I pulled one of my dad's old sweaters over my head. I didn't feel like trying very hard today.  When I looked presentable, I put on my boots and walked out of my front door. My Truck took a few minutes to warm up. It was old and needed a lot of work. I'm surprised the heater still worked. I slid onto the old leather seat and buckled my seatbelt.


I told Sam everything, Harry coming to my house, when he was talking in his sleep, how I had to sneak him out of my house. I didn't leave out any detail, even when he came out of the shower.

Sam's eyes were wide, like she was trying to find words to respond. "Niall would kill him if he knew where he went."

"It was really odd that he came to me, I thought he would find Niall."

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