Chapter 25

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Dekus POV

The moon was full, me and Toga were sitting on the roof of and mental hospital stalking out to see if any person wonders out that we could kill.

Minuts go by and I could tell Toga was bored and slightly frustrated

"Hey, wanna just go find some gang" I asked

"O~ yes!!!! Wait here I'll go find one to kill then come back to get you" she says and skips away

"Have fun" I sing

I wait a bit and notice a window that's open near the ground floor. I get curious and jump down letting my self sorta float down with my new quirk guiding me down saftly.

I peak into to room and see ... Him.. I'm socked I feel my own anger but his emotion seemed... Cleaned like new. He doesn't seem very angry and he seems really nice ...

Was it me... That made him so upset.... Was sit my fault he was such an asshole. What a bitch

I want to spook him so I sit in his window and hold on to the side to make sure I don't fall off

"Damn that looks yummy" I said

He looked at me wide eyed "your not real your in my head please go away I get to leave tomorrow" he said closing his eyes and covers his ears

I so and sit on his bed "sorry to break it to you Kacchan I'm actually here" I said smiling

"Oh and check this out they gave me a quirk" I said

"So you here.. why"

"My new quirk is emotions, and you seem distressed but I can tell you've gotten better"


"By mistake kacchans. That's why" I said coldly

"I'm sorry"

"Its a bit late for apologies Katsuki"

"I'm still sorry" he looked at me

I felt how genuine he was being

"Shut up" I said annoyed

It got sorta quiet and my phone rang

It was toga I smile flipped him off and just left.

I met back up with toga

"Where did you go " she asked

"Saw an old friend and so I scared him a bit " I said

"Cool whatever so I found a big ish group of sums doing yummy drugs just sitting their ready to be slaughtered" she giggled

"Sounds fun shall we" I hold my arm out for her

We have this little roleplay where she's my killing queen and I'm the king and we dance in the blood of our  victims, it's refreshing and good escape

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