Chapter 2

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Trigger warning!!!!!!!!

Izukus POV
I walked threw my front door, my mother humming a sweet tune and cooking dinner

"Hey mom... im home" I said dreading my voice

"Hello Izuku, how are you, are you okay?" She asked

"Of course im okay mom and im fine" i said smiling and walking to my all might infested walls to put my back pack away

I tried smile but it felt wrong, like i was lying to myself. Either way I had to smile even if it meant faking one.

"Izuku dinner is ready come out and eat" my mother called out to me

I strangely didn't feel hungry right now but I knew it would worry my mother if I didn't eat.

"Coming!" I yelled and walked out of my room with small smile so it didn't look fake

"Wow look amazing mom" I said sitting down at the table, there was a bowl of katsudon with beef broth and beef slips in it, Even if I wasn't hungry I would gladly eat this.

After dinner was done mom went out for groceries and left me home alone. She asked me to do the dishes so I did, there wasn't very much to do som bowls spoons cutting bored and a knife.

Mom always told me to do the sharp stuff last ... not sure why, its like the unspoken rule of doing dishes I guess.

As I was getting ready to wash the knife I Herd the phone ring and quickly went to go get it when I put the sharp object down, it slid off the counter and fell, cutting the side if my leg. I yelped in pain... I didn't know what to do... I hoped over to the phone a picked it up, It was Misuki,

"Hello inko!!!" She said cheerfully

"Oh accualy aunty Misuki its Izuku" I said trying not to sound like I was in pain

"Oh sorry Izuku, where is you mother" she apologized

"Out shopping, I cant take a message tho" I said hoping she would tell me

"Oh no its okay ill call her tomorrow, night Izuku" she said hanging up

I put the phone back on the charger and started to walk, I collapsed forgetting about the wound

"FUCK" I said out loud, I looke at it, it wasn't bleeding very much but it hurt like hell 

I didn't want to worry my mom so I went the the bathroom cabinet and took out the bandages and rubbing alcohol.

After cleaning out the cut I put a big band aid on it and then wrapped it up, I put different pants one and finished the dishes. Then I grabbed a snack and turned on the TV to distract myself from the pain.

Im not gonna lie... I felt better

I hope you liked this chapter

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