Chapter 14

901 19 13

Dekus POV

I run up an escape ladder and climb it and sit on top of the roof, I feel sad and angry I couldn't help but cry, I felt pain like I've never felt before, I care for him but he's and Asshole, he made me feel like a piece of shit everyday, he told me to off myself... I don't understand why I care, I love to hate him..

I sit on the roof and wait for Toga, I am going to kill him, I have to... Urg I'm a mess I hate these stupid emotional outbursts

I said I'd have to kill him but maybe I kill like 10 randome people he's to hard to kill... I'll chat with Toga

"Hey-a cutie" speaker of the Devil

"Hey, So change of plans I want Katsuki to be my long time rivle. Sooooo I was thinking we find some small gangs and take em out ? " I asked with a happy smile on my face wanting to laugh but not wanting to give away our location

"Sounds fun hehe" Toga smiled and pulled a knife out

"I know where some hide common follow me" she said jumping the the roof next to the one we were on

"Great lead the way m'lady"

After a while of jumping I start to get tired and I hear toga gasp them stop

"Found theeem~" she sung


"Yep remeber quiet let's make it as silent as possible" I said smiling exited. The adrenalin flowing threw my vains

We jumped down and one by one there gone like dominoes not screams but alot of blood, I've never felt so alive... A little ironic if you ask me

Toga was smiling and prancing around

I take her hand and spin her just from Scheer excitement and happyness our first Homacide.

We dance in the blood of our victims for maybe a hour before fleeing the scene

This is so much better then being a hero

I was wrong {my hero academia}(Villan Deku) Where stories live. Discover now