Chapter 19

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Deku's POV

I sat waiting for something..anything to happen

then I remembered they promised me a quirk. I turn to Shigaraki and kinda stare at him for a second. just until he notices me. you know to fuck with his mind.

a minute goes by and I see him give me a side glance quicky

"so~, about that quirk" I said abruptly taking the hand mand off guard.

"right... you could say I forgot. . . but I can call our master and arrange for it to happen just be patient. go find toga. she is probably doing something. just stop looking at me" he said in his raspy voice. almost fatherly too. it was funny

I smiled and head out wondering the streets to find toga. I whore some fun sun glasses and a dark hoodie. its not the best disguise but it works for the most part.

I've been thinking about changing my look a bit just not sure how far I want to go.

Ihear a muffled scream come from a dark alley way, so naturally. I run

... into the alley to see if toga wanted help. I mean like it has to be her. no other villain has the guts to murder. they are all pussys

I get closer and I was right. their stook and bloody Himako Toga.

"didn't leave any for me? how rude" I said with a sadistic smile, I kick oh of the loose arms cuz, why not

"sorry Izuku, would have saved one if I knew you were coming to play, we can always find some dumb gangs and take the out" she smile taking loads of blood for her quirk.

I shrugged my shoulders "sounds intertaing but if we do it close to her our chances of getting arrested is 93%, we would have to get some dumb new heroes to get away" I said bubbling on about ways we could get away

"oh shut you pretty mouth, we can just take a day trip to Yokohama and play over their. also shigie has been a drag and no fun at all" she crosses her arms and pouts

"then its settled lets get you cleaned up and we head out tomorrow. like a date you know" I said walking back out of the ally on my half assed disguise she took back ways to not draw attention to her self.

As I walk back t base I pass a group of teens about my age but extremely loud

"he's so annoying and mean, like honest Mr Aizawa should just expell him he's so not hero material." I brown haired chick said hand in hand with stupid looking guy with yellow hair

"I mean he's strong and smart so they probably won't kick him out. all about the image" a red hair boy said

"must you insist on attacking out classmait. we are in highschool now and I belive Bakugou has been threw a lot so lets give him a break" a tall glasses freak cut in...

wait.. did they say. Bakugou like kacchan? wow never expected him to be the class runt. pathetic...

but I know how it sucks. no one should have to endure being talked about behind their backs

man I wish I could hit them... but if they are Bakugous classmates tey are hero course students a UA. I stand no chance. maye once I get my quirk. I walk away not wanting them to bash my friend anymore

wait not friend enemy


deffinity not friend

back stabber


I need to get ready for my "date"

Bakugous POV

I walk home, kinda depressed honestly. I miss having deku around. I feel pointless he always looked up to me. I pushed hi away. what the fuck is wrong with me.

I'm so stupid.. yea you are, you pushed away the only REAL friend you had. YOU screwd it up. you should follow you ow-

I shake my head, I shouldn't think like this. I have to be strong... Right?

I have no right to even call myself his friend, I'm the reason he's missing or running with villains... no one else to blame but me. i don't think all might could save him anymore

I should have noticed too, the way he gave me his stuff. the way he acted when he was woudend that last day of JH... there is not point of me living, I make everyone's lives Harder, my moms...dads.. miss inkos... my classmates... and deku.

I feel like quitting bu I wont. to until I find him... not until I apologise...

what the fuck am I even talking about... that damn nerd...

he did this on his own... don't get to cocky you don't want to come off has selfish... or a villain

"ah get the fuck out of my head"


Mitsuki's POV

I turned the corned from the store

"ah get the fuck out of my head" I hear my son scream I look up to see his face swollen with tears and eyes puffy

"k-katsuki..." I said dropping everything to run to my son... he needed me, he needed his mom

"my god. its okay, I'm here. shh.. your safe I've got you... I love you Katsuki" I said over and over in my most calling voice. i didn't relise how bad he was. i new he was upset ... but this is a full on depressive episode, or anxiety attack I don't know. I feel useless. I'm a mother who didn't realise how hurt her son was... I'm a failed as a mother.

"m..make it s-s..stop" he said sobbing

"make what stop honey" I said trying not to cry along with him

"the voice, it doesn't stop. its all my fault... he's gon. its all my damn fault" he screamed. bystaders stared one called an ambulance for us.. probably the right thing to do... i didn't want to et him go.. he needed me... I needed him.

~20 minutes later~

he calmed down. the ambulance arrived he was sitting in the back answering some mental problems or something. I dont understand all that much but, I know they can help him more than I could have. I thanked the ladies who called them.

It was calm.

the doctors and ambulance tech people came over ad told me that we should head to get a full test run for Katsuki. they have gusses that its a mix of anxiety ad depression but also think something more with the voice katuski said was talking to him.

I will do anything to protect my baby. and if that means learning about depression and so on.. ill do it...

because I love him, he's my baby boy...

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