chapter 29

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Bakugous POV

November 15th

Three days after I called the police on my best friend. He got away. But I'm sure he's safe and we will try again


I closed my journal, my therapist told be it was good to keep it whenever I wanted to write.  It's been handy

I sat looking out the window in the class 1-A. The other students filled into the class. It's been a good couple days back. It may only be Tuesday but it's better then being stuck in a white room with your thoughts all day.

"Morning Katsuki!" A familiar female voice said, I assume to be Ochako.

I turn to see my assumption was correct.

"Morning, you look happy?" I asked trying to be observant

"Im pretty happy, wanna know why?".she asked getting all girlie

"Ummm no?" I said

"I got asked to the dance ahhhhhh" she screeched

"Ow ears, who asked you? Let me guess Kirishima??" I said with a smirk

"How'd you know?" She looked stunned

"Kinda obvouse you two are together, I'm happy for you guys. I'm probably not gonna go, to crazy" I said making a joke

She laughed and rolled her eyes and went to her seat as Mr Aizawa came into the classroom as depressing as ever.

I'm enjoying what I have going now.

I hope this feeling never goes away.

Dekus POV


He will pay, he thinks he can call the cops on me and get away with it. That little asshat won't live to be happy.

I paced back and forth in my room. I feel toga outside my door but I couldn't give two shits. He was mine to kill I just need a plan.

I could kidnap him, or his parent. Maybe send his parents away and catch him in his own house.

Maybe before his classes or after. Catch him of guarded.

No. He doesn't deserve a good plan. He deserved nothing but pain and suffering.

But does he?


I was wrong {my hero academia}(Villan Deku) Where stories live. Discover now