Chapter 13

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I walked away annoyed and pissed off , I heard his screams... Why ... Why is he being attacked again, what did he do to those stupid villans

I stop and turn back to see all might and Deku be dragged into an alley way, I run to the otherside of the Ally entrence and hear faint talking, I peek around the corner and see Deku talking with his attacker, a blond chick... All casual

I can't make anything out but I could tell they were friends.

That piece of shit betrayed me and his mom he's friends with a villain...

I hear them say goodbye until later or something like that and the girl jumped the the roof top and Deku comes my way I hide behind a trashcan and watch him walk away.

I watch him disappear in the distance and I sit their thinking of why he's do that. I hear running back into the alley and I look up and see him standing their again panting and visibly disterbed

I walk out "hey you got away?" I asked a little harshly

"Holy f... You scared me Kacchan ha! Yes I was just running away from them punched the blond haired girl and ran as fast as I could .. why didn't you help me?" He asked staring me down

"Why were they after you again?? I asked

"How would I know... But I can't get it threw my head that you left me... Why" He said a little sad in in voice

"I was over whelmed " I said with no hesitation

"Bull shit" he said harshly

"What?" ... "that's BULSHIT" he yelled at me tears forming in his eyes

"You left be because you hate me, you've never ... Like me just leave me along Katsuki Bakugou" he whimpers and ran down the alley way

I felt intense guilt build I'm my chest... I walked towards my house, giving him space ...


I was wrong {my hero academia}(Villan Deku) Where stories live. Discover now