Chapter 28

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Katsuki POV

He started to run and I put my phone up to my ear

"Did you get that?"

"Yes, where has he gone" the person on the other side said 

"He ran towards city center" I said

The phone line dropped

I felt shitty for helping catch him, but he isn't thinking straight. His mind is covered in evil. He will thank day.

I head back inside and notice Uruaka and Kirishima giving each other lovy dovy eyes.

"You to look as if your in love" I laughed

They got quiet and a little awards

"I think our food is coming" Kirishima sais changing the subject

"Yea right, let's eat"

The server dropped of our food smiled and left

It was good. I was very happy with it. I could tell things got slightly akward after I came back to the table tho.

Like I'm a third wheel

(I don't ship Kiri and Ochako I just put two people together to create story)

Dekus POV

I ran, I felt hot tears rub down my face, why am I the one running, why am I the one still getting laughed at.

I heard sirens...

They were coming my way

What the fuck. He told the police. For fuck sakes

Before I could react I hear guns cock

"Hand up where we can see them"

I didn't move

"Hands up" they yelled

I slowly put my hands up

Then I fall and hit the floor, I had my eyes closed. It was quiet. No more shouting the smell was familiar, alchohol and smoke

I was home,

" You almost got your self caught kid, the others are still out at dinner" Kurogiri said

"I owe you" I said wipping my tears away.

"I'm going to go to bed..." I said, I felt defeated.

I hate him. I hate him... I hate him

I was wrong {my hero academia}(Villan Deku) Where stories live. Discover now