chapter 21

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Bakugous POV

I felt tired.

Not like normal tired.

I don't know how to discribe it...

The voice didn't stop. It kept pestering me. Making me insain. It's my fault Deku left. It's my fault. Why couldn't I fucking be better. I wish I could make it up to him.

Careful for what you wish. If could come true.

"Shut up..."

Well I'm just sayin'. Maybe he doesn't even want to see you? You'd have a better chance in your next life hahaha

"Don't quote me you bastard..."

"Sweety.. who are you talking to?" My mom and Inko walked in closing the door behind them

"... It doesn't matter. Why are you here?" I asked not wanting to even look at them

"Be respectful and look at us Katsuki. Inko wanted to come and see how you were doing" she said

I looked up and say Inkos face. He looks just like her... "I'm sorry" I said quietly

"What was that dear?" Inko said all nice

"It's all my fault... I'm sorry" I said louder

"I can assur-" I cut aunty Inko off

"If I was a better friend... If I didn't turn my back on him he'd still be here. It's my fault I'm sorry" I said wanting to cry but no tears left to give

"Oh Katsuki. It's not your fault... Don't think that. He worshiped you!" She said trying to confort me

"But... I... Told him... To kill... Him...self..." I said not wanting to admit to the shit I'd done..

"I'm sorry aunty inko... If you hate me now I understand I deserv it and I should have never said that... I'm such a failure of a friend... A son.. a person" I continued

"Oh... Wow... Katsuki I don't hate you... But I can still assure you that's Izuku wouldnt do that. Even if you said to him so... I bet once he's back he'll understand and forgive you just as I have" she said with a smile. I could tell it was mostly forced

She definitely hates you now, maybe you should jump off instead

The voice said. I considered it. But not right now. Not infront of my mom and Inko

The door opened and a nurse came in with some medicine.

My mom and Inko walked out waving good bye then I heard whispers and a bunch of footsteps walk up to my door the nurse looked at the door so this wasn't in my head.

"Oh yes. Your class reserved a meeting time with you. Do you want to see them?" The nurse said

"Uh... Sure?" I said confused, they disliked me. Why would they come to see me

The door opens and 18 highschool era stood in the doorway.

They shuffled in and all at once bowed

"We're sorry" they said

"For what"  I asked confused

They feel sorry for you duh

I ignored him

"We haven't been the nicest to you. And we came to apologize and hang out and maybe get to know you better!!" A girl with short brown hair said and the class nodded

"You.. your Ururaka? " I asked becuase I honestly didn't know..

"Yep! Ochako Ururaka. I sit in seat 6 and I brought you some homemade mochi! " She said all cheerful. She had completely changed the mood in the room

"Wow.. you didn't have to.. but thanks."I said trying to smile but with the small expression change almost undidectible I could tell I wasn't doing it right.

"Well we wanted to... Oh!  we brought some notes so u can catch up and keep up with the class!"  She talked more. For some reason she was super exited

"Well kastuki Bakugou, why don't you tell us about yourself we want to hear about it and your past!" The kid who I can assume to be Iida Tenya said

"Well... I have a expolotion quirk. And I was praised for it in kindergarten. Everyone wanted to be my friend. But I had one.. his name was Izuku Midoria but I called him Deku... He was quirkless and people made fun of him. For it. Well I ended up doing the same ... And now he's gone .. he ran away or something... And it's my fault " I wanted

They looked stunned

"Well maybe it's not your fault but let's stay awake from the stuff that's depressing" a kid with red hair said

"Oh.. ya sorry. Um... I like all might"

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