chapter 20

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Shots aizawas POV

I walk into class with some heavy news, all I wanted to do was sleep but they have a right to know. I open the door and the kids are already seated. I'm so glad to have Tenya Iida, less work for me.

I put some booklets on my podium and yawn

"You may have noticed we are 18 not 19, your class make Katsuki Bakugou will not be joining us until further notice, last ni-" I was cut off

" Mr Aizawa what happens, is he hurt?" A girl shouted from seat no.6

"As I was saying last night he had a pretty serious mental breakdown and was admitted to the local mental hospital for testing, they presume it was caused by the dissapearence of his childhood friend. Izuku Midoria. His mother said I was allowed to disclose this information to you, so don't go telling the while school... Now today we will do some test prep. Iida? Can u handle the rest?. Good " I said and dozzed off

3rd person

The class 1 A of UA highschool sat shocked from this information. The class rep stood up abruptly and studded "w-well you heard Mr Aizawa it's just going to be test prep so pull out whater you need to work on and do that until we have more instruction" he sat back down...

No one moved. They all say there knowing they haven't been the nicest to there classmate. Wondering "what if I was the reason" student slowly started to pull out their papers and study, or try to study.

Dekus POV

I was waiting... Waiting for the stupid Tv to turn on becuase I'm bored As fuck. Being a villan is boring sometimes. This old ass bar is also just trash. I need to stab something...

*Connecting sounds beep Boop* "hello there young man"

I looked at the TV shocked

"Uh... Hi?" I responded

"You must be the kid who needs a quirk. Deku? Right? " He asked, his face was cover so I could tell what his face was doing

"You are correct... How'd you know that" I asked

"Shigaraki has told me alot about you, he's quite happy that you've joined " he goes on to say

"I'm the one who will give you your quirk, tell shigaraki ... Tomorrow 3 am. Sunflower" then the TV shut off


Villans are weird

Whatever I wait for shigi to get back so I can tell him but he takes forever so I sleep. Just sleep... At 11 am but who cares. No one can tell me no. So fuck them

I was wrong {my hero academia}(Villan Deku) Where stories live. Discover now