Chapter 11: Skinny 'Melon'

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                                     Y/n POV:                                                                                                                    Our little group starts making our way out of the vault. As we reach the entrance of the vault, I see a portly man and a few of his hitmen alongside him. When we get closer, Nick walks ahead and puts an arm out behind him, signaling us to stay behind.               "Hello Skinny, I see you finally smartened up and relized that your mercs weren't comin' back."                Skinny took at step forward, an angered look spread across his face as he did so.  "I knew someone would come and look for you, so I sent my least favored men to 'guard' you. I only came back because Darla wanted you outta' the picture."  And with that, he snapped his fingers and a young girl came out from behind him. She was a pretty girl with short, brown hair, and she was wearing a short, blue sequened dress and in her hands she held a wooden baseball bat.                      "Oh Detective Valentine, did you really think I wanted to be dragged back to that shitty 'Diamond City' I used to call home? I've found where I wanna be and where I'm wanted!"  Darla yelled as her eyes teared up.
Nick, Skinny and Darla talked for a few minutes about how we would all part ways. Turns out that Nick came out here to look for Darla, who ran away to be Skinny's lover. Man I hate drama..then Darla  took me out of my thoughts with a gunshot then before I knew it, I was laying on the floor and I had a sharp pain in my side. I go to grab it and when I pull my hand away and look to see it dripping with blood, my blood. My vision and hearing had become blurry, but I could still make out the yelling and gunshots. I saw Nick and Nate hiding behind cover, firing across the room. Nick noticed I was still laying out in the open and ran over to me while Nate covered for us. As Nick started pulling me over to cover, A gunman attacked Nick, causing him to drop his gun. The gunman was on top of Nick, chocking him. I move as fast as I could to Nick's gun. By the time I reach the weapon, the gunman had almost taken Nick's life. I aimed  and fired, but missed due to my disorientation. I take another shot, but no bullet fired. " Fuck it, hey asshole!" I said, pulling my switchblade out and using all my strength I had to jump on top of the man and stab him in the back. He screamed in pain and turned around and jumped on me, pinning my arms above my head.
I used my knee to attack him in the stomach which caused him to let go of one of my hands. I used my switchblade to stab him in the throat causing blood to gush out all over my face and chest. The ringing in my ears became more prominent and I slowly blacked out...
A/N: I would like to say thank you for reading and staying with me, even tho I haven't been here in FOREVER! I love you guys so much and stay safe!

Mechanical Love ( Nick Valentine x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن