Chapter 9: So our story begins

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Y/n POV:
Once Nate and I stocked up on ammo and stimpacks, we headed out to Mass Pike Pass to find this Nick Valentine, so he can help us solve our 'case' as Ellie called it. As we were making our way to the subway, we encountered what was left of the Commonweath, a place I once called home, and all the creatures that inhabited it. We had to kill and sneak past raiders, mutants, and even radroaches, guess this is something I have to get used to.
"Nate, are we almost there?" I ask, we had been walking for about an hour now.

"Y/n, you know just as well as I do where we are or when we are going to get there, I'm just following the directions Ellie told me." I sigh and look to my left, and I see a subway in the distance...maybe that's it?
         "Hey Nate, I think that's the place over there." I say pulling on his arm.
     "Are you sure, I mean Ellie didn't say to turn here by the interchange."
              "Well can we at least go and make sure that that's not the place, just in case?"
            "I guess it can't hurt to make sure that it isn't the place."

   Well, turns out that Nate is very bad with directions and if I hadn't spoke up we would be looking for hours. Dogmeat is right behind us as usual and followed us down the concrete steps down to the subway.

      "Listen, I don't know what's down here so, try and keep low so I can clear the area before you follow me, ok?"
        " Ok, but I won't stand by and watch you have ALL the fun."
         All Nate did was sigh and smile while shaking his head before all three of us entered the darkness of the subway.
         I got my pistol out of the back of my waist band, just in case things went south. Dogmeat ran ahead and helped Nate kill a couple of hired guns here and there, nothing an ex-military can't handle. 

     -ten minutes later-
After walking through the subway for awhile we came across a vault, and you guessed it, more hired guns. Everything was going smoothly until one of the assholes snuck up behind Nate and put him in a choke hold with a gun to his head.

   " Come out little girl, let's have a little chat!"
I gasped and made sure my gun was ready, before showing myself and pointed my gun at him.
   " Let him go asshole, or you might have an extra hole in your head!" I said, shakily holding my gun up, taking aim.
  " Oh please, put the gun down you little bitc-"
  But before he could finish, I shot him in his left eye, barely missing Nate.
  " Oh my god! I-I really fucked him up, huh?"
" I told you to stay low! You could have gotten hurt!"
  " B-but I didn't! I saved you! You would have been dead if I hadn't stepped in, plus they knew I was here... somehow"
      " Yeah... I guess you're right, as usual. Come on Dogmeat, let's go."
   Nate went up to the control panel and opened the vault, very loudly I might add. I guess some of the gunmen thought the same as well because as soon as we were inside,
" I hate that that damn door is so loud, Skinny, is that you?"
       was all  I got to say before the two men start firing at us.

A/n sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time I will try to update two more times today I promise, and 1k READS!! Omg I feel so thankful, I would like to thank you all and have a great rest of your day!❤️

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