Chapter 7: Diamond City

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Y/n's POV:

Nate and I had walked into his old house and are now sitting on the couch.
"It's a shot in the dark, but I think we should try it, for Shawn's sake." I said, leaning back, causing little dust particles to go flying through the sunlit air. "So what's this about you talking 'fondly' of me?" I asked teasingly.
"All I said was that you were tough and that you can handle yourself, nothing more." He simply said
"Sure it was."
"It was, I swear!"

We both talked about our trip to the new city and what we might find there all night until we got tired and fell asleep on the couch.

-The next morning-
"Y/n..... Y/n.... Y/n!" Someone was saying while shaking me awake. I wake up suddenly and look around.
"Huh? Oh sorry Nate, didn't mean to fall asleep on you."
"It's fine, get your stuff so we can head out. Here I found this when I was out yesterday and thought you could use it." He said, tossing me a f/c bag.
I caught it and put my gun, ammo, and some food in it before putting it on. I followed Nate outside and the group of settlers were gathered at the bridge to say goodbye. "Dogmeat will be coming with us. It was nice meeting you guys, but we must go and find help to find my son. We will visit when we can and help you along the way."
Preston came running up to the crowd of people surrounding us and said, kinda out of breath " Wait...a.. settlement needs..your help." He said in between breaths.
"Preston there are others here that can help. Why does it always have to be me?" Nate asked, kind of annoyed.
"You know what I'll help you when I get back, but in the mean time try to do it yourself, please?" And with that final sentence we headed out in to the new, radiated world.

-7 hours later brought to you by the settlements that always need help-

We approached a heavily guarded baseball stadium that all of us would go to on the weekends before that war. There was a statue of a readied  baseball player at the entrance of the stadium
The huge green gate of the station was closed and a woman was off to the side, talking into an intercom.

We walked closer to the gate and I could now hear her conversation with someone inside. "Hey come on, let me in! You can't just kick me out! This is my home and the people deserve to know about the truth!" She yelled into the intercom, clearly annoyed.

When she saw us, she motioned us over and whispered "Hey, you want in, right?"
"Yea, we want in" Nate said in a normal voice.
"Shh! What's that? Your a trader up from Quincy and you have enough supplies to keep the stores stocked of a month? Ya hear that Danny, you wouldn't want to turn away supplies would ya?"
"Alright, alright you didn't have to make it personal Piper, I'm opening the gate."
And with that the green gate of Diamond City slowly raised showing an old admission area and what seems to be a very upset man.
"Piper?! Who let you back in! The level of dishonesty in that paper of yours isn't acceptable! I should have that old printer scraped for parts!" He said pointing a finger at her. "Ohh so, if I print lies people are happy, but when the truth comes out in black in white, people start getting angry! Huh?!"
"What you wrote was a lie! You're just scaring people, stirring them up over nothing!"
"So your just going to shut the paper down, because you don't believe the truth?! That the Institute is kidnapping people and replacing them with synths? It's the true McDonough, and you know it! What do you think about this, Sir?"
Piper finished, drawing the conversation over to Nate.
" I've always believed in freedom of the press."
"For sure." I spoke up, joining the conversation.
"Oh, I'm sorry you were dragged into this kind sir! I hope it doesn't change your view on my great city. The great green jewel of the commonwealth, Diamond City! I'm sorry to cut our conversation short, but I have some.. other" He looked at Piper "matters to attend to, but please feel free to enter and look at what Diamond City has to offer!" And with that he walked up the stairs and through the door.
"Well there's your 'great green jewel' welcoming. The names Piper by the way thanks for asking." She said, sticking her hand out to Nate.
"I'm Nate and this is Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said, taking her hand.
"Pleasure to meet ya both! What brings you to Diamond City?"
" We're looking for my son, Shawn. He was kidnapped while we were cryogenically frozen in these pods in a vault and somebody kidnapped him."
"Damn, kids aren't even safe from those bastards at the Institute. There's a detective in the city that can help you find him. And if you don't mind doing an interview for the paper for me later, come by my office." She said with a wink before turning and leaving into the city.
"Well looks like this detective is our lucky strike, huh?" Nate said, dragging me by the arm into the 'great green jewel of the commonwealth', Diamond City.

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