Chapter 12: The Aftermath

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Y/n POV:
I wake up with a jolt, drenched in sweat and a sharp pain in my side. I quickly laid back down due to the pain and wiped my face of the sweat. I look around and realize I'm in someone's room that distinctively smells of cigarettes, and laying in that same persons bed. I look down at my arm and see a needle hooked up to an IV bag. I had been charged out of my vault suit into an oversized white undershirt that also smelled strongly of cigs.
The rooms door slowly opened and a familiar figure slowly poked their head in to look into the room. Once they saw I was awake they came in with a cup of water and some pills.
         "I'm so glad you've finally woken up, I was kinda having trouble giving you your pills."
      "How long have I been out, Nate?" I said, as I sat up and leaned against the head board for support.
        "Only for a couple of days, you see, whenever you fell unconscious, we had to grab you and pull you to cover. We ended up killing all but that bitch Darla, who decided to run away to her parents after shooting you. Nick had to carry you back and the doctor just said you needed a few stitches and some bed rest, along with your meds and some blood, obviously. You've been crashing at the Agency since then."
                  "Well, thank you for taking care of me, you really didn't have to do that. Is Nick not here? I haven't seen him yet."
                 "Why don't you take your pills and I'll go get him, he's been worried about you, even though we've been taking shifts on taking care of you. He insisted on sitting with you at night, just in case you woke up. " He said, handing me the pills and rolling his at the thought of Nick, I think?
        I take my pills and wait....
        _ a few minutes later_

         Nick comes into the room a few minutes later and rushes over to me and sits on the chair beside the bed. He grabs my hand while he talks to me;
           "How are you feeling? I'm so sorry I let this happen, if I had just been a little quicker you wouldn't be in this situation. I'm so sorr-"
I cut him off by squeezing his hand and putting my other hand on top of ours.
       "Nicky, it's ok, it's not your fault, nobody had any control over what happened except Darla, you're not the one at fault. I'm just glad you're still here, I mean I haven't even gotten to know you yet before I'm killing people and spilling their blood all over my face for you. Consider yourself lucky" I said with a wink and a small chuckle. We both laughed for a little and I thanked him for all that he'd done for me. He had told me they worked on Nate's case, but they didn't wanna go looking for this supposed asshole named Kellogg without me.
     "I appreciate you guys waiting on me, but why not just go get him? I mean you've known where he is and he's still currently running a free man, you should've gone without me."
       "Y/n, it's just as much your case as it is Nate's, he told me she was your best friend, I'm sure you'll wanna deal justice out as much as Nate does. And I think he needs you there, he really cares about you and it would help him emotionally for you to be there."
             "Well, the only thing that will put me at ease is seeing his brains cracked open like a can of cram in the pavement. We need to move before he changes heidi holes." I said as I tried to get myself out of bed, but the pain in my side was so excruciating I had to sit back down. Nick got up while I was doing so to make sure I didn't fall.
      "You need rest Y/n, at least a few more days until you've healed up more, I don't want you to be in anymore pain. Please lay back down and try to get some more rest, ok?" Nick said as he uncovered the bed, helped me in and covered me back up. He moved my hair behind my ear and smirked at me before walking towards the door.
        "Oh by the way you look good in my clothes, I'll wake you when dinner is ready." He said then closing the door behind him.

A/n: thank you guys for supporting me as always and as you can see I've recently updated and rewrote some of the wording and such from the previous chapters, nothing story changing has happened during these edits, just wanted to make my 13 year old selfs words more readable and fluent. Anyways thank you and will update soon!(::) (::) (cookies)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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