Chapter 8: Unlikely Valentine

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        We walk down the steps, into a well lit marketplace. There was a newspaper stand, a butcher shop, medical center/reconstruction center, and in the very middle of the marketplace was a noodle shop run by-
    "A robot?! Look at how cool he is!"
I said, immediately running up to the shop. I had always been easily amazed and amused, everything from the great blue sky, to the little petals of tiny flowers.

          I sat down on one of the stools in front of the bar and began interrogating him.... or her.
    "Hello, I'm Y/n and you are?"
He replied with something like a different language in his synthetic voice.
Again he... or she replied with the same response. Being who I am I was about to ask again what he had said, but before I could say anything more, Nate pulled me out of the stool and stood me beside him.
    "Come on Y/n, we need to find that detective to have him help us find Shawn, remember?"
    " Oh, right well let's go and find him then, but can we come back and talk to him again?"
        "Ok, I promise we will come back if you hurry up and help me find the detective."
He then took my hand and led me to an alley way where we found a couple feet down, a bright pink, neon sign that read 'Valentine's detective agency'.

We walked to the sign and turned right down yet another alley way where there was another sign by a door at the end of the alley.
"Here goes nothing." Was all Nate said before letting go of my hand and walking down to the door and entering with me following close behind.

The Agency was fairly small, but just big enough for it's purpose. All there was for sitting was a couple desks and two chair per desk, both cluttered with papers and case files. Filing cabinets that were pretty packed, lined most of the walls as a little radio plays on top of one of them.
A woman was in front of one of the filing cabinets, with her back to us, putting away files and organizing them, talking frantically to herself.
"And another stray coming in from the rain for another case to be solved, I'm sorry we're closed."
"Oh I'm sorry, we'll just come back another time." Nate says, turning to leave.
"No, I didn't mean we're closed for the day, we're.... we're closed for good."
She said finally turning to face us
"The detectives gone missing."
"How ironic." I say
"Do you know where he might have gone?" Nate said, trying not to laugh at my remark.
"He disappeared while trying to work one of the cases down in Street Park Pass."
"We'll find him, what does he look like?" I asked.
"Oh, don't worry you'll know when you see him."
"All right, looks like we got a case to solve before our case can be solved, quite a strange thing to have to say, but whatever it takes to find Shawn."
"I'm ready when you are Nate."
"We need supplies before we leave, then we will head out."

And with that our story begins and another one ends as we walk out of the agency door into the cool, crisp morning air.

A/n: I would like to thank you all for your support and for reading my book! Like I said before I'm going to finish this book if it kills me!😁🤣
Anyway, as always don't forget to vote and comment what you think, I'm always happy to hear that people are enjoying my book and any suggestion would help as well! Love you all and have a good rest of your day/evening!!

     A/n: I would like to thank you all for your support and for reading my book! Like I said before I'm going to finish this book if it kills me!😁🤣        Anyway, as always don't forget to vote and comment what you think, I'm always happy to he...

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