Chapter 10: Just in time

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       All I remember was being pulled to the ground and a pain in my head before darkness, long cold, darkness.

    I woke up in my bed, in my old house.
Had this all been a dream? I get up and look outside to see the beautiful green lawns and my friendly neighbors, as if it all never happened.

   I look to my right to see "Nate?!"
" Yes dear? Is something wrong Y/n?"
" Why are you in bed with me? What is today?"
" First of all your my wife, and secondly it's October 23. Are you sure nothings wrong?"
He said, sitting up in the bed putting his hands on my shoulders.
I don't know what's happening, it's like nothing happened, but I'm living a whole new life?
  "Y/n? Y/n? Y/n, wake up!"

I woke with a jolt my vision blurry and ears ringing, blood running down my forehead.
  " Oh thank god! I thought I lost you!" Nate said pulling me into a tight hug.
"Wha-what happened?"
"Well, when we opened the vault those assholes came and tried to shoot us, they would have shot you if I hadn't pushed you out of the way into cover, but your head hit a rock and you passed out. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to have you fall down."
"It's fine, thank you for saving me. We should go find Nick, before it's too late." I say, trying to get up, but when I did my vision became fuzzy and more blood ran down my head.
" Oh, shit. How bad is it?"
" Let's just say your going to need stitches."
"Ca- can you help me up?" I said, reaching my hand out for him to grab. He pulled me up and held me bridal style and head further into the vault with Dogmeat following.

    About halfway through the vault my wound had finally clotted and I regained my vision to where I could walk again and Nate could fight easier.

            -15 minutes later-

   We enter the eating area of the vault, crouching behind cover, when we heard a voice,
   " Need anything Valentine, getting hungry?"

"Only thing I need is a gun to shoot that shit- eating grin off your face!"
  I already like this guy and I haven't even seen him yet. We walked up the flight of stairs up to the Overseers office.
   " I'm going to enjoy killing you Valentine, I'll go get Skinny, so just sit tight."
He said, turning towards us, but before he could see us Dogmeat jumped up and tore him to pieces.
" Good boy Dogmeat! You saved our asses!"
I say, thankful I talked Nate to bring him along.

  Nate walks up to the window that looks into the office while I search the body with Dogmeat.
" Look I don't know who you are, but we only have a couple of minutes before they realize muscle for brains ain't coming back. The password to the terminal is around here somewhere."
  As if planned I found a piece of paper with the password on it in the man's pocket.
" Found it, he had it on him." I say to a confused Nate.
I punch in the password to the terminal and unlocked the door. Nate walked in first with Dogmeat following close behind.
   " What are you?!"  Nate said, backing up a little, putting an arm in front of me. He was blocking my view so I couldn't see him and moved Nate aside to look at the famous detective.
" Woah, you are so cool!" I say, running up to him to get a closer look. He was a synthetic human with mesmerizing, yellow glowing eyes. Pieces of his rubbery skin was missing from his face and neck, and he wore a trench coat and a fedora, basically a stereotypical detective outfit.
   " Well, well who is this little doll?" He said pulling his cigarette out of his mouth with his left hand and stuck the right one out for me to shake.
"I'm Y/n and this is Nate and Dogmeat." I said, grabbing hold of his hand which was.. cold?
  I look down at his hand and I can see all the metal joints in his hand because the skin had come off. I take his hand and hold it up, examining it closely.
  " Sorry I just have never seen anything like.. well you! You're so cool!" I say, realizing how this must make him feel, what with a stranger closely examining them and all.
He smirked
" Oh that's all right Doll, I'm just used to.. different reactions is all"
he then dropped his cigarette and stomped the butt out. 
I backed up so Nate could shake his hand, but I saw how he gave Nick a death glare then looked at me.
" I think we should go, before we get caught."
" Agreed" Nick and I said at the same time.
We left the office and headed down the stairs.

A/n: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment what you think. Have a great rest of your day/ evening!❤️
Edit: btw I might do a face reveal if I get enough people that comment and vote, just saying byees

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