A Dark Warning

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Hi! Hope you're ready for more, because I present to you MORE! ;)


{Author's POV}

"...we separate them," Jinxx explained. 

"What do you mean? How do we do that?" asked Jake.

"Since the kid's power is Chaos Embodiment, he and Chaos are essentially two separate entities sharing one form. I might be able to separate them. We save the kid, trap Chaos away."

"Might? That sounds like a lot of risk for a big chance at failing," CC pointed out. 

"Well, of course it's not soundproof. There's not really any recorded instances of separating one entity into 2, but it is believed by the Ancient Greek ideology that Mortals used to be combined-four arms, four legs, two faces. They believed Zeus split them out of fear of their power, which essentially created the idea of 'soulmates', leaving them forever searching for their 'other half'. I may be able to invoke Zeus, create a spell of my own that will do the same sort of thing, separate the kid from Chaos, and once they're apart, I can trap Chaos."

"Wait, but won't that leave the kid constantly 'searching for his other half'? Will he be able to survive being separated?" 

"Does it matter? I'd rather have him 'longing for Chaos' than have Chaos in any position to destroy the world! I say we do it, we don't seem to have many better options," CC reminded them. 

Jake took a look around them-at Andy, still asleep on the couch. Ashley, now bound with tape encircling his wrists and covering his mouth in the corner, and the kid still unconscious in Jinxx's prison. The place they had found themselves in was nothing short of a mess, and they didn't really have a better plan. 

"Do it." 

"Alright, I'll need time to craft the spell. It's not just writing out words, this is a powerful thing we're trying to do. Since the legend goes that Zeus is the one who separated mortals, I will be invoking Zeus himself, which is dangerous enough. Then I'll have to set up something to hold Chaos and cast him into it as soon as the two of them are separated-"

Jinxx was interrupted by a creak and groan behind them, and turned just in time to watch as Andy's still figure rose up from the couch. He swung his legs over the edge of the couch, and hissed as he slid towards the floor. Jake, Jinxx, and CC all rushed over, helping him sit comfortably back on the couch. 

"Ugh, wait...guys? Are you...?"

"We're here, you're here. Everything is ok. How do you feel, Andy? You've been out for a while," Jake asked, gently taking a seat beside him and letting his brother rest his head on his shoulder. Andy's eyes remained closed as he spoke, trying to clear the fog from his mind. 

"I feel ok, I guess. I don't remember...a lot, to be honest. Ash was..." he stopped, as his eyes opened and he met Jinxx's eyes. "Ashley. What happened to-" 

"He's over there," Jinxx said, gesturing to the Deviant. Andy pushed himself away from Jake and climbed to his feet, stumbling and catching himself on Jinxx's bookcase. Ignoring the warnings from the Mystic or helping hands from CC and Jake, he hobbled over to Ashley's side, and held his face in his hands, tears rising to his eyes. 

"When did everything go so wrong? What happened to us? I...I thought we were getting better, fixing everything. I thought we were ok!"

Jinxx set a hand on his shoulder, holding back his concern when Andy didn't move at the sudden touch. He simply ran a finger down Ashley's face, and finally turned towards the Mystic with a dangerous fire in his eyes. "Who took him? He didn't-"

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