Lost It All

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Hello! I have a big announcement I am rather proud of, so please make sure to check out the bottom after the chapter to look at that!

Also, I'm writing this on my phone. Not Bc anything is wrong with my laptop. Just felt like it for some reason XD

Enjoy! :)

{Jake's POV}

     Jake held Jinxx in his lap gently, still sat on the floor by the front doors as he tried to make sense of everything that had just happened. 

     Andy and CC were gone. They sided with Ashley.

     Everything was falling to pieces. 

     They were the only ones left.

     "We're the only ones left..." Jake muttered to himself in shock. He never thought they'd be apart from each other unless it was because the world was safe, and they closed the book on this part of their lives and decided to go their own separate ways. Even then, they'd always be close. 

    Now, everyone was gone. Except him and...

    Jake jumped as a pain-filled hiss passed through Jinxx's gritted teeth. He opened his eyes about half-way, looking up and meeting Jake's concerned ones. Dried blood stained his lip and chin where it had poured from his nose before. He looked absolutely exhausted. 

    "Jinxx! Hey, stay with me, ok? It's going to be a bit rough but I'm gonna try to get you up to bed, ok?" Jake asked, giving him a smile and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he picked him up in his arms. Jinxx hissed, making Jake nearly drop him in surprise, but he managed to hold on and work his way towards the stairs and up to the hallway. 

    "Ugh, Jake...hurts. Everything hurts. What...What happened to me?" he groaned, looking up with hazy, dazed eyes. 

    "I...I don't know, Jinxx. I couldn't really tell ya." he said as he gently kicked open their bedroom door and kicked it closed behind him. He stepped over to Jinxx's side of the bed, gently setting him down and pulling the blanket up over him. 

    "Ash...Ash was here!" Jinxx said with a start as he hit the pillow, trying to sit up suddenly. He cried out in pain, grabbing the side of his head and immediately falling back onto the pillow, turning halfway onto his side and curling up. 

    Jake sat down on his side of the bed and managed to pull Jinxx into his side, wrapping an arm around him and running a hand through his hair. 

    "CC hit you with something. That thing from before, I think, except Andy didn't block it this time." I explained. 

    "It...Ugh, it felt like my brain was overloading. All I could feel was...anguish. Anguish and pain. Everything hurt, all over. It was blinding." Jinxx described, suppressing shivers at the descriptive memories and the way they made him feel. 

    "I'm sorry, Jinxx. You're ok now. We'll rest up, and figure out what to do next." Jake assured him. 

    "Oh, I know what I'm gonna do next." Jinxx said. "I'm gonna wipe Ashley out." 

     Jake looked down at him in shock. He expected him to be angry, but this was killing their friend. 

    "You heard that prophecy, Jake? We have to stop the Deviant, that's Ashley!"

     "How do you know it means we have to...kill him? What if there was a way to...I don't know, take out his powers instead of him?" Jake asked. 

    "We can't afford to take that risk, Jake! He could hurt people, or kill them! Hell, what if he hurts CC or Andy?" 

    "You know he wouldn't hurt Andy. He loves Andy, and he wanted CC to go with him, I doubt he would hurt CC. I don't think he wants to hurt anybody. I think they just want to be left alone." Jake argued with a sigh. 

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