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I'm on a roll with these updates, because I'm so excited to give you guys this story! :D

(Also, I have NOTHING to do and I don't sleep, so I've been keeping myself busy. )

Anyway, welcome to the third chapter of "Defiance".

**TRIGGER WARNING, PLEASE READ: This chapter has a trigger warning in place. For the sake of not spoiling the chapter for those who read it, I will not say what kind of trigger, but I will say that if you get triggered in any way by traumatic or harmful events, then skipping this chapter will in NO WAY effect your reading of the rest of the story. What happens in this chapter will be touched upon in later chapters, but will not be discussed in detail, such as this chapter. So, if harmful details put you at risk of being triggered, please SKIP THIS CHAPTER. If you wish to know the trigger before skipping so you can decide for yourself, always feel free to inbox me, they are always open. I do not wish to harm anybody, but I also do not wish to spoil the chapter completely for people who do read. I'm simply trying to keep it as equal and safe as possible.

Thank you. For those who are reading the chapter, I hope you enjoy. :)

{CC's POV}-Told ya it would switch :D

     I stood outside Andy's door for what felt like forever, contemplating my next move. Finally, I reached for the doorknob and opened the door, praying Andy wouldn't be angry with me for coming in without warning or disturbing him. 

    When I stepped into the room, I wished I'd prayed differently. 

     I don't remember screaming for Jake and Jinxx, but the next thing I knew, they were rushing into the room. Jake stopped in the doorway, horror in his face as he took in the scene in front of him. Jinxx froze momentarily as well, before I snapped to my own senses. 

    "Help me!" I shouted.  

    I ran over to Andy's unconscious body on the floor, lying on his back, the empty pill bottle lying inches from his outstretched hand. I could feel tears streaming down my face as I pulled Andy's limp body into his lap, gently slapping his face. "Andy, can you hear me?" I said. 

    Jake had finally moved into the room, gingerly picking up the bottle on the floor and examining it. "Where in the hell did he get sleeping pills from?" he asked quietly. 

    "There's places you can get them from, but they're rare. He probably sent for them. And we all know he's hardly been sleeping, so either they haven't been working for him, or..." Jinxx stopped, as he didn't want to think about the other option. None of them did. 

    I pressed his fingers against the vein in Andy's throat, breathing a sigh of relief I hadn't realized I'd been holding, and which came out more as a sob. "He's alive. The pulse is fading, but it's there. We have to do something, we're losing him, fast!" I cried, holding Andy close, unsure of what to do. 

    "Can't you just heal him Jinxx??" Jake asked, his heart pounding. They'd already...lost Ash. If they lost Andy too...

    "No. Not yet...Let me see him." Jinxx said. I carefully handed the Prophet over to Jinxx, who lifted him into his arms, and quickly ran out of the room. Jake and I gave each other a fearful and curious look before following, finding Jinxx in the bathroom. He had Andy's head leaning over the toilet seat, held up by one of his arms, the other moving to open Andy's mouth. 

    "What are you doing??" I asked, confused and horrified at what I was seeing. 

     "I can't heal him if those damned pills are still in his system. We have to get them out of him." Jinxx explained, as he stuck two of his fingers into Andy's mouth. He poked around at Andy's gag reflex, until he felt a couch come out of the Prophet's throat. Jinxx moved his fingers out of his mouth as Andy lurched forward, gagging and wretching as he vomited. Jinxx felt with his magic, seeing if all the pills had exited the younger's body. He could still feel their presence, but there was less now. "Come on, Andy. We have to get all of it." he said, reaching into Andy's mouth a second time. Andy whined, before gagging and vomiting some more. Jinxx checked a second time, and sighed in relief when he couldn't feel anymore. He warily flushed the toilet after taking some toilet paper and cleaning up the few specks of vomit on the toilet seat. 

    "Come on. Let's get him into bed." Jinxx said, lifting Andy into his arms and leading the others to Andy's room. It felt like we were marching in a funeral procession, about to lay Andy to rest. It broke my heart, the pain flooding my chest. I stopped, unable to move my feet any further. Jake noticed my stopping and turned around, which in turn got Jinxx's attention. 

    Jake turned to Jinxx, giving him a sad smile. "Go on ahead, take care of Andy." he said. Jinxx nodded, giving me a strained smile, before continuing on down the hall until he turned into Andy's room.  

    I fell against the wall, sliding to the floor. Tears poured down my face, and I buried my head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt Jake slide down beside me, pulling my head until I was leaning into his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, and rubbed my shoulder soothingly. 

   "Andy, he...oh my god, Jake." I gasped, still troubled with the image of Andy lying on the floor, sickly pale. My first thought was that he was dead, he just looked so lifeless. 

   "I know. I know, C. This stuff with Ashley has got him on the edge. We'll take care of him. We'll figure it out." Jake assured him. 

    "We...We have to find Ash, Jake. We have to." I cried. 

    "I know. I know, and we'll find him. We will." I promised. 

    If we didn't find Ashley...there'd only be three left. 

Well, that was intense. 

If you did read the chapter, I'm sorry. You know, we all read and write sad, dark stuff sometimes. And this scene, as well as future ones, do tie into a bigger theme, that will hopefully make more sense as you read further. 

Either way, I'm not gonna say I hope you enjoyed the chapter, because I didn't really enjoy writing it too much, but I hope it was a well-written chapter, at least. 

As always, thank you for reading. And I'll see you in the next chapter. :)


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