Breaking Point

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Hey! So, just a heads up, I go back to school soon. So, my update times may slow down a bit, but my schedule is pretty light this semester, so I think it will be about the same. I'm gonna try to stick with it, for this story and for Storm Clouds. 

Since a lot more people read my books than look at my announcements on my page, I'm going to post this here too, just to get the word around. Once, long ago, in an age of Vine and Musically and other fads, there was an app called Smule, where one could sing to their heart's content to their favorite songs. 

I've been on Smule for a few years, sort of in secret, but I've decided to share my singing with the world. Yay? XD

Anyway, I have a twitter page dedicated to my Smule content, as well as other things. Like, a normal account of sorts but not my main, and more music-focused. I would appreciate it so, so much if you could check the page out, it is @ Lizzy_RoseMusic. I post pretty regularly, I don't record new content when I'm in school because it's harder to, so I pre-record in bulk while I'm at home and upload pre-recorded content on occasion during school as well as on breaks so there's always a pretty steady stream of stuff to listen to. And, if you do follow/scroll through and listen to some of my stuff, I could give you a follow (if I don't already) or a shoutout or whatever :)

Thank you! Sorry for the long note, enjoy! 

{Author's POV}

     It had been two days since Andy's "meeting" with Ashley. He had not told the others. He had spent almost the entire two days in his room, thinking of his next move, deliberating over every single one of Ashley's words. 

    Did he...have a point?

    Andy didn't know. 

    What he did know was that thing around the factory had gotten heated for some reason. CC slowly grew tired of doing absolutely nothing, and grew weary of Jinxx reminding him that due to Ashley's command, they quite literally could do nothing. They'd been at each other's throats for days. 

    Except they didn't know about the meeting, and they didn't know that Andy, in fact, could do something. He could find Ash. He could fix this. 

    Couldn't he?

    As he sat on his bed, trying to focus his thoughts on coming to too many decisions, he heard strange noises downstairs. They were coming from the direction of the main area by the doors. When he heard yelling, Andy got up. He rushed down the hall to find Jinxx and CC engaged in an intense argument with each other. Jake had shown up first, trying to calm the two down, but he could hardly get a word in edgewise as they continued to go at it. Andy wasn't even sure what exactly they were fighting about. It was always about Ashley, but this time was different. This time, things were getting out of hand. 

    "There has got to be something we haven't thought of yet! You cannot seriously be suggesting that we are going to leave Ashley out there and let God knows what happen to him, or let him do God knows what!" CC screamed, getting in Jinxx's face, his expression horrified and enraged. 

    "CC, for the last time, I have thought of everything! I have looked in every single book, spent hours searching for him with absolutely no luck. We are all in the dark. Ashley literally forbid us to look for him. Even if we found him, we physically could not move to wherever he is, his magic stops us! It's impossible!" Jinxx argued, quickly growing fed up with what he normally called CC's "childish optimism". 

     Of course, Jinxx wanted to hope that there was some way to find and help Ashley, but as the days went by, he was slowly accepting the lack of action they could take. He was beginning to grow hopeless, and the amount of helplessness he was feeling was beginning to overpower him. There was never much Jinxx couldn't do, and the one time he was failing, it was at saving his best friend. 

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