Home Pt 2

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Heya my lovely Rose Petals! I know it has been quite some time, but I promise you were not abandoned. I simply started back at College, after a couple of years being away! However, we have returned, you all have been missed, and I'm ready to go! So, let's do this!

{Author's POV}

     "Your home? Like, where? We're still in our world and everything?" 

     Jake and David had taken to assisting in straightening up the space while Jinxx walked around, waving his fingers and uttering spells beneath his breath, eyes glowing blue. Whatever it was he was doing, the others were left unable to see, but they continued their work while they talked. It was CC, now seated on the floor beside the couch as he kept an eye on the Prophet, that had asked the question. 

     "Yes, we are still in our dimension. I grew up in this town before F.E.A.R destroyed it," he answered nonchalantly. Jake turned, watching him work, but also watching for any emotion on the subject on his face. His heart jumped at the blank expression, and he set down the table he had righted in favor of going to him, settling a hand on his bicep. With a gentle smile, he picked up the photograph he had discovered earlier and gestured to the other child. 

     "This is your family, then," he put together, setting the picture frame in the Mystic's trembling hand. 

     "I...I came back, after Control and his minions had cleared out. It had been almost a year, I came back to see if anyone had..." he stopped, leaning into Jake's side. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and rubbed gentle circles into his back. "I sat on that couch and looked at this picture for half an hour...and then I left it. Mom and Dad, Susan and Brent, and my brother and sister, Travis and Autumn."

     "I can't say I get it. I never went home," CC sighed. Sure, Jinxx and Jake had surmised that from meeting him only after he'd escaped that he had never turned back, but it still jarred them.

     "Neither did I," admitted Jake, meeting Jinxx's eyes. ", but that doesn't make it any less painful. We don't usually get to stop and think about how much changed those days, usually only in our nightmares or late at night when we can't even fall asleep. These days, we've grown with it, made changes, but it was still our worlds that were shattered. We were just the unlucky ones...left to pick up all of the pieces."

     Just as Jake finished his speech and the four settled into an uncomfortable silence, a stifled groan slipped from the lips of the prone figure on the couch. CC jumped up from the floor, hearing it first, and turned to Andy, who had started twisting around and mumbling under his breath. "He's ok," Jinxx confirmed quickly. "He's probably just waking up soon."

     "Wait, Jinxx, do you still have that stone? The one the Gods gave you," Jake asked. 

     Jinxx patted down his pocket and nodded, relief rushing through him. He pulled it out and examined it. "Still intact, thankfully."

     "So, we still have a means to trap Chaos. That's...good, but how do we get to him? If he's still in Ashley and that kid, and it's not safe for all of us to be there, then..."

     "...some of us are going to have to stay behind," Jinxx finished Jake's thought. 

     "I don't think we've ever really done a mission apart from each other. It's always been the 5 of us. It's bad enough we've been knocked down to 4 already. Which one of us would even go?" 

     "Well it would have to be me," said Jinxx. "The stone is a magical relic. I'd have to trap him."

     "Jinxx, love, I'm not doubting your abilities and skill in combat. We're talking about two people-you're already outnumbered-both with the ability to be possessed by an ancient God."

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