More to Uncover

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Hello again!

I feel productive (and bored) with the lack of work I have to do at this moment, so here we are, with a second update! :)

Hope you like it!

{Author's POV}

    Andy, Jake, and CC sat around the kitchen table, joined by Jinxx as he brought over a pile of four plates and a small tray of baked ziti. (I really spoil these guys XD) However, none of them touched it, all too busy thinking about what they had just witnessed. Finally, Jinxx cleared his throat, helping himself to a plate of ziti as the others looked up at him, a bit startled. 

     "OK, clearly we need to talk about what just happened. And you all need to eat something. So, come on, dig in." he said, gesturing to the tray of food and giving Andy a sideways glance when he said "all". Andy frowned and looked to the table in shame. Finally, he gave in and got himself a small helping of ziti. CC and Jake got slightly larger portions. Jinxx sat down, and the four started eating. 

     "Is Ashley...evil?" CC asked, finally breaking the room, asking the question everyone was thinking and nobody wanted to ask. Someone had to do it, though.  

     "I...I don't think so. No. Something is wrong, yes, but I don't think he's evil. I couldn't feel anything dark coming off of him. Something is definitely going on with him, though. He's not in a good place right now. We need to find him, and fix this." Jake answered. 

    "Our army doesn't even trust us anymore. They saw Ashley using his power, the thing he tried to hide for so long because he knew it would scare people, and...that's exactly what it did. They don't trust us. What if this sparks a rebellion or something?" Andy asked. 

    "I think they were just worried. They have a right to be. I think we'll be ok for now, but you're right. They don't trust us. They could...hurt Ashley." Jinxx said, giving Andy a sympathetic glance.

    "But you remember what he said before he left, right? He said 'You will not come after me.' They can't get to him to hurt him, but that also means we can't go after him to bring him back. He's made himself unreachable." CC pointed out. 

     "There has to be some way to reach him. I wish we understood more about how Ashley's powers work. I know he can manipulate the mind with his voice, make people do things they don't want to do, but we don't know any way around that." Jinxx said. 

    Andy was silent, staring off into space. Jinxx and CC talked back and forth about the possible ways they could get around Ashley's power, so Jake was the only one who noticed when Andy's eyes went wide and his shoulders became rigid. 

    "Guys..." he said. 

    Andy's eyes squinted, his mouth a grimace before it went wide. His breathing was becoming labored. 

    "Guys!!" Jake shouted, getting their attention. They noticed Andy, whose right eye had begun glowing. 

    "Another Prophecy?" CC asked, looking at the other two in confusion. 

    "I'm not sure..." Jinxx said, his thought trailing off into silence. 

    "A world plunged into the shadows,

     robbed of its light and ruled by fear

    Shall never see the light it knows

     until the misfit's veil has cleared. 

    Armies gone and your spirits lost,

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