Heaven's Gate

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See what I did there? Fall Out Boy? ;)

Anyway, thank you all for your patience. I know less than a month isn't a terrible wait, but I do try to be more regular than that. This last month has been a bit hectic. But, I bring to you, the new chapter! :)

Hope you enjoy!

{Author's POV}-The Youngbloods Universe

     When Jinxx and Jake stepped through the portal into the Youngbloods Universe, it wasn't in a dark, dingy alley like the first time they had arrived there. Instead, they stood outside, but surrounded by a shimmering night sky. Behind them stood a winding staircase, seemingly endless, and in front of them, a tall, glistening brass gate. Thin wisps of clouds floated around them, as chills tore through their jacketed upper halves. 

    "Where are we?" Jake asked. 

     As Jinxx opened his mouth to speak, the two instinctively jumped and moved into defensive positions, Jinxx's hands up in front of his hands, Jake's on either side of him. The gates creaked open as a figure stepped out of the shadows not reached by the many streetlamps. When they led eyes on him, Jake and Jinxx let out a simultaneous sigh of relief and calmed themselves. 

    "What are you two doing here? As I said the last time we met, the world I sent you to is no longer of my own control, and I could not foresee your arrival. Something must be wrong if you have returned to this world. All I could sense was your portal opening, and I reverted it here." It was always a strange sight to them to see Sir Elton John in such a godly form, but the two took it with thin smiles on their face. It bolstered their spirits to see him in such a trying time, but it could not last long. They had work to do. 

    "I'm afraid so. A lot has happened, and to be honest, we're not sure what to do. Andy's seen a prophecy, and Ashley is...not himself, to say the least. He's using his magic to hurt people, to control then." explained Jinxx. The look that took over Elton's face was not a comforting one. 

    "I feared this. Come with me." he explained. Jinxx and Jake shared a hesitant look, before finally shrugging it off and following the man through the gates and into the kingdom. The gates creaked shut behind them as they walked through the streets and entered a palace, following until they reached a familiar, pristine-white room. They descended the stairs, except this time there was a pedestal, a book placed atop it, raised on an altar in front of a stain-glass window. The top half of the window was a blue circle like a sky, with green grass on the bottom half, a yellow sun, and a white double eighth note in the center of the sky part. 

     Up above the window, written in what had to have been the neatest black painted letters either of the two Legion members had ever seen was written a phrase-"In music our stories live on. Long Live the Noise." It brought Jinxx and Jake back to a different time, a long forgotten time that seemed like a life they had merely heard of, but it was one they had indeed lived. It was a time where music had reigned in their lives. The Noise was a concept foreign to them. In a life of survival, fighting, and bloodshed, music was a luxury. Jake was surprised sometimes when he picked up his old guitar and could remember how to play, almost as if the sound had never left him. He was taken aback more so when Jinxx experienced the same thing with more than one instrument. His talent was just one thing Jake loved about him. 

    "Music never leaves us. No matter how long it has been, those of us who truly feel its power, who know its greatness, shall never forget. Once we become one with the sounds, we are one for all of time," Elton said, smirking as if he had their minds, "Now, let us discuss this prophecy." With the snap of a finger, three chairs appeared in the center of the room, and each of them took a seat. 

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