Another Piece of the Puzzle

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Hello! Welcome back to Defiance. 

So, I had one plan for this story, but then I had a breakthrough, and realized I can take this in a whole different direction, and I think you all are going to like the new outcome a lot better. So, stay tuned in, because things are going to get crazy. :)

      Andy, CC, and Ashley ran for their lives. They ran away from Jake trying to stop them, through confused Wild Ones who took one look at Ash and tried to stop them but froze as his magic took its effect over them, and into the desert where no one would find them. Andy and CC followed Ashley into the vastness until finally, after it seemed like they'd been running forever, they came across the edge of an old abandoned town. When they stopped, gasping for air, Andy looked around the town in front of them. Buildings were in various stages of disrepair, debris and trash littered the dusty ground. It was clearly a ghost town.

     "Ash, what are we doing here?" CC wondered, seeing all the things Andy was seeing.

     "I've been hiding out here for weeks. It's abandoned." Ash answered, leading the way into the town. Andy and CC followed him towards a building that looked like an old police station. Ash pointed out a room at one end of a hallway, that seemed to be an old interrogation room, and said CC could stay in there. It had a mattress on the floor, but they were all used to roughing it. Ash gave him a blanket he pulled from a closet, before leading Andy down the hall to an old office-turned-bedroom. There was another mattress on the floor, pillow and blanket already spread across it.

     "I normally sleep here, but I got a bigger mattress in case you ever came." Ash said, looking over at Andy with a smile.

     "So...what do we do? Jinxx and Jake are going to find a way to come for us. They're not the type to just give up, and Jinxx is powerful. Jake grows more powerful all the time. What if they find something?" Andy wondered, sitting on the mattress. Ash took a seat beside him, nestling an arm around them.

     "Andy, trust me. I know exactly what I'm doing. I have plans for if somebody tries to harm us." Ashley assured him. His tone made Andy hold back for a moment. He sounded too sure of himself, and oddly...foreboding.

     "Ash, there's...there's a prophecy. Like a vision, but bigger. I think they're going to...try and destroy you. Jinxx doesn't think there's a way around it." Andy warned him.

      Ash froze hearing his words. "What is this prophecy?" he asked in a low voice.

     "It...came in two parts." Andy said, as he concentrated and repeated the parts word-for-word. Ashley listened intently.

     "And they believe, of course, that this 'misfit' is me?" Ashley wondered.

     "Well, your name 'Deviant' is another way of saying misfit, so I think Jinxx just assumed it was you. I'm not sure who else it could be anyway." Andy said. He felt confused, as if Ashley knew something he didn't, and he wasn't telling Andy anytime soon.

     "Of course. I wasn't implying it wasn't me. Who else would it be? I was just making sure we're on the same page." Ashley said, giving Andy one of his signature grins.

     Andy wasn't buying it, but he couldn't let Ash see he felt off.

     "Right. Do you mind if I take a nap? I'm pretty tired after earlier." Andy said.

     "Of course, angel. I have some errands to run anyway. I'll be out for a few hours. Enjoy your nap." Ashley said, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek before standing up and heading out.

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