One Minute

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*Couldn't really think of a nice picture to go with the chapter, so just a cool pic of Ash today! :)

Hey there! So, you all chose the Andy/Ashley option, so here you have it! I hope you enjoy!

{Author's POV}

    Ashley scowled, kicking a rock as he paced back in forth in thought. He hadn't wanted to let the Destroyer go, he figured it was too much of a risk. However, he had orders. Knock out the Destroyer, erase his memories, leave him behind.

     All that matters is the Prophet. He is the final piece of the puzzle.

     That voice chilled him. Ashley sensed power, an aged, wise soul. He knew that the prophecy mentioned an Ancient One, and that the voice in his head was thousands of centuries old. He didn't know who it was, or what exactly he wanted with him, but Ashley knew one thing.

     You will never be feared again. They will respect you.

     He never knew the sweet taste of respect. People were always weary of him once they knew what he could do, always feared him becoming another villain. Well, if a villain is what they wanted, a villain is what they'd get.

     Respect out of fear is better than no respect at all.

     Ashley was tired of being alone, tired of everybody leaving him behind. He was tired of being a servant to ungrateful people who were more afraid of what he may do than appreciative of all the things he had done for them.

     "Never again." he sighed, as he sat at the water's edge, gazing at his reflection in the water. Same old brown eyes. Same tanned skin. Same dark, slightly tangled hair. He'd tried to abandon his Deviant vest at the precinct, but he couldn't find the strength to let it go. For years, it had been by his side, it had become a part of him. As strong as the desire for respect burned within him, Ashley did not wish to harm his fellow Legion members. He'd given them a chance to join him, but when Jinxx and Jake turned their backs on him, he didn't know what to do. He would only attack them if absolutely necessary.

     His gaze stopped at the Prophet in the corner, fixating itself on the steady rise and fall of his chest, the glisten of pale skin in the dusting of moonlight making its way in from the mouth of the cave.

     The final piece...

     Ashley sighed as the voice echoed in the back of his mind again. It was the only way he knew whether the entity was directly talking to him or it was nothing more than his own thoughts. The entity was louder, booming, his thoughts more gentle, like the fluid energy that flowed from his throat and danced across his tongue with his power, weaving its way into his words.

     "Piece of what...?" he mumbled, shaking his head with a sigh. It was hard to remember how he'd gotten himself into this mess. It was like everything before the spirit began speaking to him was a huge blur. Just trying to remember could give him a headache.


     Ashley flinched as the thunderous voice echoed in his head. "You don't have to be so damn ominous you know. I hear you. And what do you mean 'no'?" Ashley asked.

     I can hear your thoughts, Deviant. No, you can not wake him. If he is awake, it will make the plans much more difficult, perhaps even impossible. He remains asleep.

     "I can put him back to sleep when you need him!" Ashley argued. The voice went silent and Ashley groaned. "Come on, just a minute. All I want to do is talk to him! One minute, and I'll put him back to sleep!"

     Fine. Have your minute. Do not discuss the plans.

     "Seriously?! You say that like I know what your plans are!" Ashley's blood boiled at the pointless remark. Now the spirit was simply being a pest, purposely getting to him, and it was working.

     You are wasting your time, Deviant.

     Ashley sighed, rising from the ground and making his way over to Andy. He lifted the younger into his arms, cradling him for a moment. "Wake." he whispered in his ear, immediately pressing a kiss to his forehead. He heard a tiny groan and felt the face he was kissing shift beneath him.

     "A...Ash? What...? Where are we?" Andy wondered. He paused, brows scrunched in thought. "Wait...Where's CC?! You..."

     "Andy, shh!" Ashley stopped him. "I only have a minute, angel. I just want to say...I'm sorry. I don't know what's going to happen or necessarily why I have to do this,'s important. I just have to, you have to trust me. And he promised he won't hurt you. I trust him, Andy, please just trust me. He won't hurt you. Ok? Everything's going to be ok, and...I love you, Andy. I love you more than anything, you know that right?" Ashley asked.

     Andy's thoughts could barely keep up. Between his own thoughts and Ashley's spewed words, it was like a twister. He managed to catch about half of what Ashley was saying, however.

     "Uh...yeah. Yeah, Ash, of course I know. But-"

     Time's up, Deviant. Ashley was cut off from Andy by the voice in his head. He sighed, knowing arguing for one minute more was out of the question and would only result in trouble for either one or both of them.

     "Andy, I...I'm sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you." he said.

     "Ash, what-"

     "Sleep." Ashley demanded, catching Andy as his head rolled back and the top half of him fell back towards the dirt. Ashley gently set him on the ground, and cradled his face. "I'm so sorry, angel. It's for the greater good." he sighed.

     Indeed it is, Deviant. It will soon be ready, and we can begin the plan. And soon, the world shall know what once was lost. Soon, the darkness shall be found again. Chaos will reign.

Well, I know it was a bit short, but the next chapter or two is gonna be big. I think we'll be switching back to the others for a bit, because I have big plans in that department. So, hopefully it makes up for the lack of length here, and you all like what's coming. 

The update will be posted soon since March Madness ends tomorrow. If you want, there's time to vote for the finals. It's never too late! 

As always, I hope you liked the chapter! Thank you all for reading and I hope to see you next time! 


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