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Hello! :)

I apologize for the delay. It's the end of the semester, and every time I finish one project, two more pop up. So, life is stressful, but I am taking one night away from homework that I may or may not be able to afford (to be determined XD) to finish this chapter.

If you read the last chapter, you are aware of what happened. If you skipped it, this chapter will touch on what happened without going into detail. So, we are all approximately in the same place and should hopefully be on the same page at the end. 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you.

{Author's POV}

    CC woke up, once again sprawled out on the floor on the mattress he had dragged into Andy's room. The initial shock of waking up in a room that was not his own no longer affected him, as he had fallen asleep in Andy's room almost every night for the past 4 days. The Destroyer had been terrified of leaving his friend's side, watching carefully for any sign of the Prophet's waking up. For 4 days, he'd been disappointed. 

   Jinxx explained to him that even with his healing, Andy's body needed time to recover from all the stress it went through. What had happened to him was taxing, and he very close to not being able to wake up again. It didn't matter to CC, none of it did. He missed Andy, he was terrified, and all he wanted was for his brother to wake up and be okay again. 

    Well, as okay as things could be. 

    Jake knocked lightly on the door, holding a plate with three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. CC opened the door, giving him a smile when he noticed it was Jake. "Hey, C. Jinxx decided to just throw together some sandwiches for lunch. He figured you'd want three or so, but if you don't eat them all it's okay." Jake explained with a thin smile. He peered past CC into the bedroom, frowning when he noticed Andy's still figure lying on the bed. 

    "Still nothing at all?" he asked. CC sighed, taking the plate from Jake's hand and leading him into the room. 

    "No. Little twitches here and then, but I think they were just dreams or something. I thought he was waking up, but...nothing." he shrugged his shoulders, sitting on the bed beside Andy. 

    "Jake..." CC started, but paused, unsure of his words. 

    "What is it, C?" Jake wondered. He noticed the uncertainty in his friend's tone, and it concerned him. CC was usually so confident and sure of himself but for a while, ever since Ash left, he was different. He was quieter, spoke up less and kept to himself. 

    Things has really changed since that day. 

    "We need to find Ashley. Whatever it takes. We can't keep going on like this. We have to find him and...and bring him home." CC said, looking up at Jake, part of him afraid at what the Mourner would feel on the matter. 

    Jake merely sighed, taking a seat beside CC on the bed, cautiously so as not to disturb Andy sleeping behind them. 

   "Yeah, CC, you're right, but we also have to be ready to face the fact that...Ash might not be coming home." he said, though the words felt heavy in his chest. 

   "I know, but even if we find him and he's...he's gone...doesn't that give us some kind of...I don't know, closure? We aren't left sitting around, sending out possibly empty prayers that he comes home, or that he's alive out there somewhere, spending hours upon hours trying and failing to find even a trace of him? We have to at least find out the truth. We have to find him, Jake. Even if he's gone." CC said, feeling the tears forming in his eyes. He wiped them away, noticing the sympathetic and hurt look Jake gave him before quickly turning away. 

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