Return of the Deviant

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Hey. So, I'm home on vacation now. I'm gonna try to update but honestly it's been a stressful, long couple of weeks, and I haven't been feeling it as much lately. I'm CERTAINLY not quitting this story, I love writing this. I've just a lost a bit of my inspiration and creative mojo, and I'm kinda tired. So, hopefully it won't be so long as the other one. Sometimes I write in small bursts over a certain time span. So, like, I'm starting this on Nov. 27 at 1:39 (EST). IDK when I'll finish it, but it'll probably be a few days. So, whenever I get this out, I hope you all can forgive me for the wait, and remember that I'm trying. 

Update: I'm back from Vacation, but we got snowed out today, so I'm putting in some work. Sorry for the delay. 

Hope you enjoy it!

{Author's POV}

    Jinxx, CC, and Jake were frozen, unable to come to terms with what was in front of them. All they saw was Andy staring, before falling to his knees, unable to keep himself standing any longer. Still frozen in shock, they didn't even move. Andy sat back on his knees, unable to look at anything but the ground. Ash stood in front of them, a motorcycle a few feet behind him. He wore ripped black jeans, his boots, and surprisingly, his Deviant vest.

    Finally, Andy looked up, his eyes glistening. 

    "Ash..." he said, choking up a bit. 

    Ashley merely chuckled, walking towards the rebels. He stopped when he reached Andy, merely placing a hand on his shoulder and chuckling, before he turned towards the other three. They met his eyes, the shock still present in their own. 

   "Kneel." he ordered. Jinxx, Jake, and CC all gasped as a strange feeling washed over them. They immediately dropped to their knees, barely even realizing they had done so. 

   By that time, the small crowd of rebels that lived around the town had appeared around them. The looks of confusion on their faces came as no surprise given the situation. 

   Ashley chuckled, walking away from the Mystic, Mourner, and Destroyer, all still frozen in place. 

    "Ash, what...what are you doing? Where have you..."

    "Silence!" Ash shouted. Andy immediately grew silent. 

    Everyone seemed to still. A pin drop could be heard, everyone was still and silent. 

    "Now, I know you've all had it easy lately. However, humans require structure. They require order. They require guidance. Rulers in the past were flawed. They were not strong enough to rule. Now, it is time for greatness to step forward." he said with a smirk of pride. Andy could feel something very off. 

    This wasn't Ash. Not their Ash.

    The stillness was broken as the rebels behind the Legion all cried out at once, charging towards him all together, fists and makeshift-weapons raised. 

    Ashley merely laughed, a malevolent sound, and watched them. 

    "Freeze!" he shouted. The entire crowd, including the already frozen Legion members, could feel the invisible wave washing over them, forcing them to halt in their path. The rebels looked shock, never experiencing Ashley's power used on them before. 

    "Now, unless anybody else would like to try and test my patience." he said, waiting for a response. 

    "Good. I came here today to simply warn you, Mystic, Mourner, Destroyer-"

    He stopped, smirking at Andy, looking him right in the eye.

    "Prophet. You can not stop me. A new beginning is here. However, you will be given a chance to join me. I will give you the choice, as simply making you isn't quite as fun. We are all-powerful, the things of legends. We are gods! And you lower yourselves to the levels of these pathetic humans! I am powerful alone, but together, we can rule all of the worlds!"

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