Chapter 19 - Black Wedding

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Although with every passing moment the wedding seemed to become more and more inevitable, both Amaryllis and Regulus had hoped Walburga would have a change of heart. That she would allow them to do things on their own and get married to who they wanted to in their own time.

But that wasn't the case. They didn't get a choice in this. That was how Amaryllis had ended up in one of the many rooms at Malfoy Manor with Narcissa and Bellatrix.

"You look beautiful Amy." Narcissa said to Amaryllis as she adjusted the bride's hair.

"I'm certain that I don't." Amaryllis responded looking down at her left forearm again.

She was scared. Not about the wedding itself. That didn't faze her. She was worried someone who opposed the Dark Lord would be in attendance and report her to the Ministry. She didn't have the sort of name that could get her released. And there would be no denying anything with a mark so clearly visible.

Before anyone could say anything there was a knock at the door. Bellatrix went over to answer it as Narcissa was still messing with Amaryllis' hair.

"My Lord?" Bellatrix asked in a rather surprised tone.

Amaryllis eyes snapped straight to the door while Narcissa removed her fingers from Amaryllis' hair and stepped out from behind her to see the man who had just entered the room.

"I wish to speak to Merrin." He said.

The other two women quickly nodded and collected their things, leaving the room. The Dark Lord watched as they exited the room until he heard the click of the door shutting. Then he turned back to Amaryllis.

"Lovely this is." He said as he made his way around the room.

As he walked around Amaryllis followed him with her eyes. She watched as he looked around the room then over her as he walked around. She wasn't sure but she thought she saw the hint of a smile on his lips when his eyes reached her completely bare left arm. The mark he had put there completely visible.

"You are proud of your mark?" He asked her.

"Of course, My Lord." She said rather softly.

Although she had thought nothing to do with this wedding would make her more nervous than the fear of being arrested the circling and assessing that the Dark Lord was currently doing was giving her a strange feeling.

"You do not fear the implications of it?" He asked.

"I worry that someone such Sirius will crash the wedding and alert the Ministry." She said unable to lie for once. "My only fear is being sent to Azkaban on my wedding day. A day in which I should be celebrating the beginning of my new life."

"I have a proposition." He told her. "I will conceal the mark for the duration of the wedding as long as you provide an heir to the Black family within a year."

To say Amaryllis was shocked was an understatement. She would never have expected him to suggest a thing like this. Yet it made perfect sense. He didn't want his followers locked away in Azkaban so making it appear as though she wasn't one of them for her wedding seemed obvious.

"Considering we are both still at Hogwarts and wish to achieve our best in hopes of gaining knowledge to help you would it suffice if were to visibly have a child on the way in a year's time?" She tried to negotiate knowing that pregnancy would be difficult and could cause her to miss classes were she still at Hogwarts.

"I expect nothing but the best." He said as he took her arm in his hand and pressed his wand to the mark. "You have one day."

Amaryllis nodded. "Thank you, My Lord."

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