Chapter 2 - Freaking Me Out

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Amaryllis was getting rather sick of being stuck in the boys dorm. It hadn't even been a full day but she felt as though she was being held captive and that was not a nice feeling at all.

James, Peter and Sirius had once again gone out leaving Amaryllis and Remus in the dorm. Remus who was obviously exhausted had attempted to hold conversation with her for a while but eventually gave in to his exhaustion and went to sleep.

This had left Amaryllis all alone in the dorm. As if captivity could get any worse.

As he was struggling to stay awake Remus had told Amaryllis that she was welcome to read any of his books while he slept. She had thanked him and once he was asleep she had grabbed one, sat down on Sirius' bed and began reading.

The book she had grabbed had to be one of Remus' textbooks as it contained a collection of spells as well as the instructions and uses for each of them. It was fascinating to read the book even though she knew there was no chance of her ever being able to do any of the spells.

She hadn't read much of the book before James, Peter and Sirius burst back into the room.

"We brought something for you." Sirius said holding out an old, dirty, fraying hat to her. "Was a struggle to get it but it's worth it."

"What did you do?" She said crossing her arms having already realised that these boys were nothing but trouble.

"You said you wanted to be sorted so we stole the Sorting Hat from Dumbledore's office." James told her rather proudly.

"There's no way I'm putting that on my head." Amaryllis told the boys.

"Come on Liz." Sirius said as he waved the hat in front of her.

"Fine." She said knowing there was no chance of her getting out of it.

She took the hat from Sirius sending a dirty look in his direction as she put it on her head. As soon as the hat touched her head she felt it move and heard a voice in her ear.

"What the hell." She gasped.

The three boys watching her attempted to supress a laugh. They were all immediately silenced however by the glare that she sent them.

"Hmmm, strange mind you have." The voice said in her ear. "A desire for knowledge, could do well Ravenclaw. But...not really a student here. Perhaps I'll have to tell the headmaster."

Amaryllis rolled her eyes at the hat's words. She would speak to the headmaster herself. She didn't need some rotten old hat doing it for her.

"Well, you've got a temper on you." The hat said clearly acknowledging Amaryllis' previous thoughts. "Perhaps a short temper like yours belongs Gryffindor. Wait. What's this? You're desire to know your family's secrets. You longing to prove yourself to them. It seems as though the best place for you is SLYTHERIN."

Amaryllis smirked at this knowing she had been completely right in the conversation she'd had earlier with the boys. As she looked over at the boys in front of her she saw all three of them with their jaws hanging open.

"What did I tell you?" She said to them.

"'re...what?" James said trying to process what had just happened.

"Maybe I ought to leave you for some of those snakes you hate so much." She told the boys as she got up from his bed handing him back the hat.

"Liz, wait." Sirius called as she began to head to the door. "Tomorrow, I'll take you."

Amaryllis rolled her eyes but accepted it.

"And I suppose I had better speak to this headmaster." She told the boys. "I imagine he has probably realised by now that his hat is missing. I also think he probably knows it was you two."

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