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Amaryllis stared at the door in front of her. It was one she could remember from her past life. The life before she met Regulus. She looked over at Regulus was was beside her. He took her hand in his and gave it a small squeeze while sending her a smile. She let out a sigh before knocking on the door.

"Yes?" A rather old woman asked after opening the door.

She looked at the young couple in front of her, a brief glimmer of recognition crossing her face as she looked at Amaryllis.

"Are you Seraphina Merrin?" Amaryllis asked even though she already knew the answer.

"Yes." The older woman responded.

"May we come in?" Amaryllis asked. "I...we wish to speak to you."

Seraphina stepped aside to let the couple into her house. As the two walked in she watched their movements. The two walked with the same grace she could remember being taught when she was young. There was something eerily familiar about the girl. She just couldn't work it out.

"May I ask what it is you wish to speak about?" Seraphina asked as she walked down the hall.

Once she had made it into the main room of the house she saw the couple sitting on one of the couches. The woman, if she could even be called that, the couple hardly looked out of school, was sitting on the same couch, in the same position that Seraphina could remember her granddaughter always sitting.

As she looked at the woman she smiled. There was something about her.

"Ah, well you see we are new to town, well Reg here is, I use to live here when I was younger, and we were wondering, well I was, what happened to the couple who lived across the road?" Amaryllis asked.

She had noticed that her old house was no longer the well kept place it once was. The garden was a complete mess, the windows were all dark and there were loose bricks all around the house.

"They left a couple years after their daughter went missing." Seraphina explained finding it hard to talk about her son and daughter-in-law as she hadn't done so for a long time. "She just vanished one day about four years ago. No one has seen her since."

"How dreadful." Regulus said. "How old was she?"

"She was fifteen." She responded sending him a quizzical look.

"I can't imagine how dreadful that would have been." Regulus said. "We had to leave our daughter behind in England. Couldn't risk something happening to her. She was only a few months old but it was the hardest thing we've done."

Seraphina watched as he pulled Amaryllis closer to him having noticed tears forming in her eyes at the mention of their daughter.

"If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?" Seraphina asked them after a moment of silence.

"Oh, how foolish of me." Amaryllis responded. "I'm Amaryllis Black and this is my husband Regulus."

"Amaryllis?" Seraphina muttered staring at the woman in front of her. "Lily?"

"I'm so sorry Nana." Amaryllis said getting up and walking over to give her grandmother a hug.

Seraphina stood up as well wrapping Amaryllis up in a hug. Regulus watched on as his wife was embraced by her grandmother.

"Amy, I believe you wanted answers." Regulus said after the two women pulled apart.

Seraphina eyed Regulus strangely.

"Yes, Nana I want to know what the big family secret was." Amaryllis said. "I knew you were hiding something. I could just never figure out what it was."

Seraphina smiled at her granddaughter.

"We're wizards." The older woman said smiling. "Wizards and witches."

"I knew there was a reason Walburga reminded me of you." Amaryllis muttered.

"She is nothing like my mother." Regulus stated.

"You married into the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black?" Seraphina asked.

"I did." Amaryllis said. "I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from my fifth to seventh year. I lived with the Black family during the breaks. Walburga Black, his mother, thought it best we were married."

Seraphina was shocked. She hadn't ever expected this to be what her granddaughter's life would become.

"So that's where you've been." Seraphina said.

"What about Mum?" Amaryllis asked. "Was she also a witch?"

"As far back as I know we have all been of magical decent." Seraphina said. "Your parents, and now I suppose you, included."

"Well, I suppose that was one thing you didn't lie about." Regulus said to Amaryllis.

Amaryllis shoved his shoulder. She didn't want her grandmother knowing about all the lies she had told just to survive. Yet she supposed that one day she would have to let her know. After all, her lies were the reason she made it through all the death and destruction.

A/N: Thank you all for reading. Would anyone be interested in me posting the playlist of the chapters?

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