Chapter 7 - Ruin That For Me

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It had been no less than a week that they had been back at Hogwarts before something happened which sent Amaryllis into shock. It was something that most people would find normal however she had never expected to be like everybody else.

She received a letter.

Amaryllis stared at the letter for a moment, not daring to open it. As she looked at the beautiful letters on the front of it forming her name. The longer she stared at the letters the less her name looked correct.

"Amy, aren't you going to open it?" Regulus asked seeing her staring at the letter.

She flipped open the letter so she could open it but stopped once again staring at the crest on the back of the envelope. It was the Black Family crest.

"Reg, why am I receiving a letter from your family?" She spoke rather slowly as she questioned the letter in her hand.

"Perhaps mother has something she wants to say to you." He suggested not paying much attention to her as he filled her plate with food.

Noticing that he was serving her food again she shot him a glare.

"You weren't doing it and you need to eat." He defended. "Just eat now, you can sort out the letter later."

Amaryllis nodded putting the letter into her bag and began to pick at the food in front of her not feeling like eating with the worry of the letter being far too great.

"Maybe I said something wrong when with the other women." She said softly to Regulus while staring at the food in front of her.

She began to recall all that had happened that New Year's. Being with Narcissa, Bellatrix, Kathleen and Celeste had meant she had needed to be on her best behaviour all evening as it wasn't like Regulus was there to cover up any of her mistakes.

As she thought back on all she had said she couldn't think of anything that night have been wrong for the situation. There had been no adverse reactions to anything she had said. Maybe she was worrying for nothing.

"I think Mother would have sent a howler rather than an ordinary letter had you done something wrong." Regulus explained to her.

Amaryllis nodded at his comment. It did seem fair enough. She looked over at him sending him a small smile before beginning to actually eat the food in front of her. As she started eating she noticed Regulus relax and smile as well. It was clear he only wanted what was best for her right now and she would have to accept it.


Amaryllis sat on her bed, the letter she had received at lunch in her hands. She was still terrified of opening it. There was no saying what would be in it.

Perhaps it was Walburga saying she was no longer welcome in their home. Perhaps she had done something at the Malfoy's ball and they had just found out about it. Perhaps Walburga had found out all her stories were just lies.

Amaryllis couldn't bear to read the letter. She didn't want this life she had just pulled together to fall apart right before her eyes.

"Are you going to keep staring at that letter or are you going to open it?" Marianne asked her.

Amaryllis holding a letter containing the Black Family crest provided Marianne the perfect opportunity to have another go at Amaryllis. After all the only good Marianne saw with having Amaryllis around was her friendship with the heir of the Black Family.

"Why do you care about it?" Amaryllis asked not seeing why Marianne would care about the letter at all.

"Because it involves the Black Family." She said moving over to the other girl's bed.

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