Chapter 9 - Conversation Over

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Amaryllis had been avoiding Corbin. She knew it was stupid and probably just her mind playing tricks on her but whenever he looked at her she felt as though he was trying to see into to her mind. Find out what she was thinking.

She knew that if she was to be alone with him he would probably start questioning how she had explained her situation to Regulus. And the lie that she had told him.

It was because of this that Amaryllis once again avoided the group of boys.

Regulus was confused at first as to why she was avoiding them again. He wondered if it was because he had gotten mad at her for following his mother's orders. After all, it wasn't like she had lied to him.

With her only other friend, Lucinda, being in the year below her, Amaryllis had to sit with either Regulus and Timothy in class and hope that Corbin wasn't able to catch her so they could sit together. She also had to walk to her classes alone or with the boys.

Walking with the boys stressed her out more than she liked to admit. She was completely terrified Corbin was going to pull her aside to talk to her. In order to prevent this she stayed as close as she could to Regulus without it seeming strange.

However one day she wasn't so lucky. On their way to the Great Hall for lunch one day Corbin managed to grab hold of Amaryllis' arm and drag her into a small alcove.

"Remember what you said to Regulus." Corbin said to her after casting a silencing charm around the area. "You said you weren't sure is He knew about the betrothal. You lied to Regulus."

"I didn't do anything." Amaryllis protested.

"You lied to Regulus." He repeated.

"I didn't exactly lie." She said.

"Then what was it?" He asked.

"I twisted the truth." She said.

"Not an outright lie?" He tried to confirm.

"Look at it this way." She said with a sigh. "I couldn't say, 'no, he doesn't know' because then he might start speculating that it might be him. Then he'd ask Walburga and my life would be over."

The two of them just stared at each other.

"It was one lie." She said after a while. "It's not going to hurt anyone."

With that she left the alcove and headed to the Great Hall. Corbin wasn't following her. She was sure of it. She couldn't hear any footsteps behind her. When she reached the table she sat down beside Timothy.

"Where have you been?" He asked her.

"Toilet." She lied smoothly.

She was glad Regulus hadn't asked. If he had she wouldn't have been able to lie as easily.

"You didn't say anything." Timothy said to her.

"I'm so sorry Timothy." She said turning to face him. "Next time I'll tell you all about my lady problems."

Regulus burst out laughing. The look on Timothy's face was one of pure terror. He did not want to hear about her 'lady problems' as she so kindly put it. Amaryllis ignored the boys and started to eat.


"I just don't see why you're not more thrilled about this?" Lucinda told Amaryllis as they sat in the corner of the common room.

Amaryllis had explained her situation to Lucinda, leaving out the fact that it was Regulus who she was being betrothed to.

She had really needed the perspective of another girl with the whole situation and Corbin could only tell her so much. The only problem was Lucinda didn't seem to share Amaryllis' views on the whole thing.

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