Chapter 5 - new way

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It had taken a few days but Regulus had eventually gotten Amaryllis to forgive him for acting as his mother wished. He had promised to consult her before he would follow his mother's actions again. Amaryllis had agreed to this knowing that he was just doing what he was told. He couldn't be held entirely accountable for what his mother wanted. He was only being a good child.

"I don't see how you don't understand this." Regulus told Amaryllis they studied together in the library. "It's some of the most basic magic."

"You seem to forget that it has been less than a year since I was first introduced to magic." She said to him rolling her eyes as she slammed her Charms textbook shut. "I am going to fail all my classes and your mother is going to kick me out and I'll have no where left to go as it would be near impossible for me to get back home to my parents, if they still wanted me that is."

"Amy you're over reacting." He told her as he too closed his textbook, however much more carefully than she had. "It's not that bad."

"No, the subjects that remind me of things I've done before are not that bad." She said as she stood up in an attempt to appear more intimidating. "Spell casting is hard."

As she looked down on Regulus he smiled up at her.

"You have been surrounded by magic since birth." Amaryllis began to rant.

Regulus knew this rant by now. It was nearly daily that she gave it to him. She thought it could be the excuse for why she was doing so poorly in her subjects.

"You have been practicing magic since you were 11." She continued. "I, on the other hand, have just..."

"Been told about this world and given the chance to experience it." He finished with a sigh. "Amy you really need to calm down. I can't help you if you are going to freak out on me every day. We've been here not even two weeks yet."

Amaryllis sat back down and looked at the book in front of her. She felt bad. She knew that Regulus was only trying to help her. She just couldn't seem to grasp the concepts she needed.

"Why don't we finish our History of Magic essays then we can move back on to Charms?" He said to her.

Amaryllis nodded. She knew that working on History of Magic would help calm her down. She loved history more than she could put into words. She could remember spending all her time researching facts about the history of all sorts of places. She found learning about the past comforting.

With that the two of them set to work occasionally getting up from their seats to go find another book for the two of them to share. They enjoyed working like this as it was one of the few times they were able to sit together.

They knew the library was a safe space for them to sit alone as if Walburga found out about it she couldn't say anything about them being alone as the library was full of students. This meant, with the help of a silencing charm, they could have whatever conversation they wanted without anyone making any comments.

After half an hour Amaryllis sat back in her seat and let out a sigh. She had finished her essay. She was both happy and annoyed. On one hand she was glad the essay was done but on the other hand she knew this meant she had to work on Charms again.

"How are you already finished?" Regulus asked looking up from his essay knowing exactly what Amaryllis was thinking.

"I love history." She said. "The work is a lot easier to do when you enjoy what you're doing."

"Of course you would say that." He responded.

"It's true." She said. "That is the reason I don't enjoy the subjects that require spell casting. I don't enjoy it therefore I am not good at it. And that translates to me not enjoying it. It's a vicious cycle which ends in me failing."

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