Chapter 3 - Half God Half Devil

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Amaryllis was half asleep as she leaned against the wall of the compartment she was in on the Hogwarts express heading to London. She had no idea as to why she had been told to go home as a normal student seeing as she didn't have a home to go to.

She groaned as the train jolted once more causing her head to bang against the wall again.

"You're going to give yourself a headache if you continue sitting like that." Regulus told her.

"I don't really care if I'm completely honest." Amaryllis responded. "I'm completely exhausted."

"I suppose one would be after having four years' worth of magic education shoved into one month." One of the other boys in the compartment said.

Amaryllis glare met the cold brown eyes of the boy who sat across from her. The boy was friends with Regulus so there was really nothing she could do about it. Regulus had kept his promise to his brother and kept a close eye on Amaryllis when she wasn't in classes. This meant she had to deal with friends, none of whom liked her very much.

"Shut it Mulciber." She snapped at Timothy Mulciber as she closed her eyes once more.

"I still don't see why didn't sleep in your dorm." The other boy in the compartment said.

Amaryllis had no idea why he was still with them. He had clearly shown his dislike for the girl.

"Because, Wilkes, all those girls every do is pester for information about this idiot." She said sitting up, looking directly at Corbin Wilkes and indicating to Regulus who sat beside her. "I'm glad I can finally escape them, even if it's only for a few months."

Amaryllis gave up trying to sleep at this point. She was now too angry to think of sleep.

"You're pushing it Merrin." Timothy said to her.

"Go curse another one of those stupid Gryffindors." Amaryllis snapped at him.

She had heard about what had happened with Timothy and Mary MacDonald soon after she had arrived. Although she didn't understand why it had happened she had accepted it as these were the people she was going to be with for the rest of her time at Hogwarts.

"I think you forget Merrin, you were once friends with the worst of the Gryffindors." Corbin countered wanting to defend Timothy.

"Because I didn't know any better that point." She said sending a glare in his direction. "Those idiots were the ones that found me. Thank Salazar they let me go when they did. I think my brain would have turned to mush if I was around them too much longer."

Regulus shot Amaryllis a look reminding her to lay off. He knew she was just trying to fit in but the way she had started speaking Regulus was no longer sure whether what she said was true or not.

"Amaryllis, where exactly are you going?" Regulus asked her wanting to stop her arguments before the three of them started hexing one another.

"No idea." Amaryllis responded. "For some reason they thought it a good idea to put me on this train without telling me where I was going."

The three boys all looked at her.

"Don't look at me." Timothy said. "I can't stand her."

"If you think I'm doing anything to help her you're sadly mistaken." Corbin said.

Regulus let out a sigh.

"We can see what my mother says." He said after a moment. "Although I doubt she'll be pleased. Be glad I wrote her mentioning you soon after you joined us."

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