Chapter 15 - somebody else

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When Corbin and Timothy arrived at their usual compartment after the winter break they were surprised to see Amaryllis seated beside Regulus. They didn't think the two of them would be able to reconcile their differences over the break. Yet, somehow, they had.

Amaryllis and Regulus were sitting in a comfortable silence when the others arrived. They had been discussing some of the things she had been going over with Walburga for the wedding planning. Amaryllis had managed convinced Walburga to owl her every so often with advancements on the plans. At least that way the teenagers would know what was going on and be able to put a stop to something that they both were opposed to.

"I thought you two hated each other." Timothy said as he and Corbin sat down.

"Well Amy was able to get us an extra months by convincing Mother to push the wedding back for flowers." Regulus explained. "She's also managed to make it so we're still involved in the planning while we're at Hogwarts."

"So you've stopped acting like a prick?" Corbin asked rather angrily. "You want to marry her now?"

"Oh of course not." Amaryllis said rolling her eyes. "But at least this way we can actually have a wedding that we're happy at, even if we aren't happy with who we're marrying."

"Just because we're unhappy with the situation doesn't mean we need to make ourselves and one another miserable." Regulus explained. "Civility is so much better."

Corbin and Timothy stared at the two in shock. Neither understood how they could have come to an agreement such as this. It had probably involved a lot of arguing, yet, somehow, it had worked.

"Well I'll leave you to be boys." Amaryllis said standing up. "I need to change anyway. Then I'll go find something else to do."

"Don't you mean somebody else?" Corbin muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

If looks could kill Corbin would have died a hundred times with the glare Amaryllis sent him as she turned around. When he met her eyes he shrunk back into his seat to try to avoid it. Nothing else was said as she exited the compartment and headed towards the toilets to get changed. Neither of the other boys would risk being on the receiving end of a glare like that.


After everything that had happened before the winter break Amaryllis was just looking to just fly under the radar for the rest of the year. She didn't want any more trouble. She especially didn't want to have to deal with anymore issues caused by degrading relationships.

Yet the world didn't want that for her.

Although her friendship with Regulus had been restored their impending marriage caused some tension between the two. They knew what their lives were currently like was not going to last. Soon they would have their freedom taken from them and they would be tied to one another.

As Amaryllis walked along the train looking for a compartment, now in her robes, she ran into someone who she hadn't expected to see. Of course she'd known he'd be on the train. After all, they had seen one another over the break at the meeting they were expected to attended.

"Merrin, Black finally let you get away." Evan Rosier said to her when he noticed who he'd walked into.

"Cause he's the one that's in charge." Amaryllis responded.

"Really?" He questioned.

"You know I don't mean it like that." She said with a smile. "Besides, Corbin was being a bit of a prick. I needed to get away."

They stood in silence for a moment listening to the muffled sounds of other people's conversations.

"Why don't you join us?" Evan said after a moment. "Crouch has started following us around and someone needs to help defuse the tension between him and Severus as it's starting to do my head in."

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